Writing a visual analysis essay
Sat Essay Topics To Write About
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
6 Tips for Briefing your Book Designer
6 Tips for Briefing your Book Designer 6 Tips for Briefing your Book Designer A week ago, we uncovered through a review on interpersonal organizations how much significance outside the box writers place on working with an expert book creator for their spreads. All things considered, large piece of the what makes independently publishing so appealing is that creators hold all imaginative opportunity over their work. This implies it is up to you, and you just, to pick your spread creator and brief them properly.As in some other innovative business relationship, the instructions procedure is the most significant piece of the joint effort. A decent concise will spare you and your book originator both time and cash. To assist you with refining your future structure briefs, we’ve solicited some from our splendid fashioners on Reedsy what their fundamental counsel is for creators. Here are their answers!1-Know your audienceYour spread structure will be your most remarkable advertising instrument. It will impact your discoverability just as your purchaser to-pe ruser transformation. In this manner, it must adhere to the #1 rule in advertising: realize your objective market and spotlight on them.â€Å"Different hues and textual styles advance to various perusers. Various classes have various looks that you would need to use in your spread. Promoting to everybody is a similar thing as advertising to nobody. Your spread plan ought to be a showcasing instrument to discover perusers who will like your book†. - Ellie Bockert Augsburger2. Give the creator a thought of your preferences and desires 6. CommunicateThis may sound self-evident, yet correspondence is the most ideal approach to accelerate the procedure and ensure you end up with the ideal book spread. This doesn’t simply mean instructions your book creator in like manner, it likewise implies keeping in contact, giving criticism on the early comps and sharing out of this world along.â€Å"The #1 approach to maintain a strategic distance from miscommunications in the plan procedure is to talk in person†, says originator Brian LaRossa. â€Å"If that isn't an alternative which is frequently the situation a video visit or call is still far superior to an email.†If you don’t think a lot about the structure procedure and are uncertain about what your craftsman needs or needs, simply follow the tips above and let them start to lead the pack. All things considered, as Michael Kellner puts it: â€Å"experienced planners will comprehend what inquiries to pose to a writer about their book: it’ s subject, topics and soul. It’s style, plot and characters. Where the story happens, thus on.†If you confide in your book originator, correspondence will be easy.Click the accompanying connects to get familiar with proficient book spread plan, outline, or book format structure on Reedsy.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Rural Values vs. Urban Idealism essays
Rustic Values versus Urban Idealism expositions The 1920s was a period of incredible change for the American individuals, WW1 had recently finished and Americans were attempting their best to overlook the revulsions of war and live up the great occasions. Ways of life were changing as new innovations like the car gave individuals the opportunity to travel significant distances at whatever point they satisfied while different normal family apparatuses like the clothes washer and dishwasher were sparing ladies important housework time that could now be spent working in employments or on amusement. Private examples were likewise experiencing a gigantic change. Without precedent for American History the urban populace of the country dwarfed the rustic as individuals rushed to the urban areas in record numbers to discover business. The yeomen rancher was not, at this point adored as the American Dream and was quickly turning into a relic of times gone by as an ever increasing number of Americans wound up exchanging their cultivators and furrows for mechanical production system torques. Production lines were the new work environment for the normal man, as growing ones own food turned into a relic of past times. The normal American family was presently living off of wages, leasing their home, and purchasing their food from the grocery store. Machines and vehicles progressively became necessities as commercializations overwhelm the economy. During this timeframe an unmistakable fracture started to show itself between the individuals of unassuming communities and those of the large urban areas. The ethics and estimations of these better places gradually, yet unquestionably start to float separated prompting a decent measure of contention. In the first place, provincial individuals for the most part lived in little very close networks where everybody knew one another. In these networks everybody by and large went to a similar nearby Christian assemblage and had a similar essential qualities and convictions. Rustic individuals clung firmly to their locale esteems and were exhausted of untouchables, particularly the individuals who originated from what they saw as ethically degenerate large citie... <!
Thursday, August 20, 2020
The Last Day at Gymnasium Untergriesbach
The Last Day at Gymnasium Untergriesbach Scott Stephens 14, Materials Science and Engineering, MIT-GermanyGlobal Teaching Labs Program As I write this post, I am sitting in the teachers lounge trying to hold onto the comfort that I have grasped to since my first day at Gymnasium Untergriesbach. Surrounded by excellent teachers, excellent students, and a beautiful school, I have been smiling for three weeks straight. This morning was filled with gathering contact information from my colleagues, teaching my last lesson with a group of delightful high schoolers, and interviewing with a reporter from the newspaper of Passau. But now I find myself alone with my thoughts, reminiscing like an old crow looks back on the time that has flown by. On my first day here, I was more nervous than a CEO about to tell his staff that he had sold the company for a box of oranges. Three weeks later I feel that I am being kicked from the nest without being able to fly. I sit on the brink of the end of my time here at the Gymnasium, and there are a number of things that I will miss dearly. I guess I will just have to list them as the fol lowing: 1. I will miss the barrage of wide eyed stares I receive from the students who think I am an alien. 2. I will miss the amazing coffee machine that does everything from hot chocolate to a damn good latte macchiato. 3. I will miss the stunning beauty of the sun creeping over the steeple of the church as I arrive at school. 4. I will miss the crystal flakes of snow that fall lightly to coat the streets and towns like a silken blanket. 5. I will miss the warm Guten Morgen of the teachers as they stroll into the lounge. 6. I will miss the 5 hour super lectures on the biology of DNA and chemistry of petroleum. 7. I will miss the puzzled looks of the students and, even better, the horrified looks the victims I call to the board. 8. I will miss bright smiles of Mr. Brunner and his yellow turtlenecks that match his car. 9. I will miss my distillation experiments and lighting stuff on fire. 10. I will miss stories of Ms. Schoenbrunner (she has quite a few brilliant ones about police officers in the States) 11. I will miss the exchanges with Hanz (the Foodmiester), seeing pictures of his fishing trips, and his hearty handshakes. 12. I will miss the sizzling schnitzel semmel and flavorful Bavarian lunches. 13. I will miss watching American football with a true fan, Mr. Vogel 14. I will miss teaching swimming for my wonderful group of athletes 15. I will miss the people This last one, number 15, is possibly the most important thing I will miss. Its the people that you meet that make the wealth of life. Its this group of teachers and students that make Gymnasium Untergriesbach such an amazing place. Unmatched hospitality, charity, and understanding. Infinite patience and great humor. I will never be able to forget this community that has given me so much. The list from above goes on and on. I am just not able to remember it all and I dont really want to bore you (my readers) with the great things that will never be experienced the way I experienced them. I am so thankful to be in Gymnasium Untergriesbach, and this is the only day that I havent been able to smile through every minute because it is the bitter end of a remarkable journey. Although this is not the end of my trip in Germany, it feels like the end of a wonderful chapter of my life. Gymnasium Untergriesbach, I have one last thing to say before I leaveIn the words of the Governator Arnold S chwarzenegger, ILL BE BACK. And, of course, thanks to the MISTI Germany Program for making it all possible.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Theories And Theories Of Development - 996 Words
Theories of Development According to authors Boyd and Bee Psychologists use theories to formulate hypothesis, or testable answers, to why questions about behavior. At the broadcast level there are three families of theories including psychoanalytic theories, learning theories, and cognitive theories. These theories attempt to provide developmentalists with compressive explanations for just about every fact of human development. Additionally, theories that deal with the biological foundations of development and interactions between these factors and development and interactions between these factors and the environment extend developmentalists understanding of age-related changes beyond that provided by three major families of theories. Thus, the most comprehensive explanations of development phenomena often include ideas from the psychoanalytic, learning, and cognitive approaches as well as from biological and contextual theories (Chapter 2: Theories of Development. Page 27 In The Growing Child) The psychoanalytic theory also known as psychoanalysis is a method of observing and treating personality disorders which is used in psychotherapy. The psychoanalytic theory includes the idea that there are different factors that happen to people during childhood that can contribute to how they later function as an adult. The psychoanalytic theory is commonly used to treat anxiety and depression disorders. It is only providing psychological relief through the openShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Human Development Theory1642 Words  | 7 PagesHuman development theories are theories intended to account for how and why people become, as they are. These theories provide the framework to clarify and organize existing observations and to try to explain and predict human behavior. It is important to recognize the complexity of human development and the theories that explain human development. (Berger, pg. 23). The three theories that have influenced by development are Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Theory, Abraham Maslow’s Humanism and Erik Erikson’sRead MoreTheories And Theory Of Psychosocial Development Essay1255 Words  | 6 Pages 1 Theories Theorist Tiffany Leaf Walden University Dr. Thomas Russo RSCH – 61007-6 Research Theory Life is full of many experiences and challenges which help individuals to grow and become better people. There has been tons of research to better understand how and why humans develop and grow the way they do. Among the many theories and therapist in the field of psychology, I have chosen psychosexual and psychosocial development to provide basic tenets, explainRead MoreTheories And Theories Of Human Development1337 Words  | 6 Pages10/11/17 Principles of Human Development Paper #1 The concepts and theories of human development are important for a school counselor to have knowledge on. Knowledge on these topics can aid the counselor in better understanding the circumstances of their students. There are three main developmental sections which will be discussed in this paper. Those three include physical development, cognitive development, and social development. Each section contains multiple theories and concepts that would beRead MoreDevelopment Theories1579 Words  | 7 PagesDevelopment Theories Sara Nackowicz Psy : 104 Child and Adolescent Development Karen Williams 9/17/12 Page One Development Theories In this paper I will talk about three of the development theories which are personality structure, psychosexual development and psychosocial development. All three of these developments are very important in a child’s life and helps them become who they are and I will explain how and why in this paper. According to Sigmund Freud in our textRead MoreTheories of Development1202 Words  | 5 Pagespractice is affected by theories of development which are written by many physcologists who have studied children and ways in which they develop. They have many varied ideas about how children learn. The physcologists have proposed different theories that they claim to explain children’s learning and how important the nature versus nurture argument is. Some of the physcologists and their theories are outlined in this essay. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Jean Piaget’s theory was that children learnRead MoreThe Theory : A Theory On The Development Of Societies915 Words  | 4 PagesThe Mudsill theory is a theory on the development of societies, this theory is the belief that there must be a lower class for the upper classes to rest on top of, like a mudsill there must be a support on the bottom of a building to sustain the top. This argument was very strong in the southern community because it was the most reasonable statement that included all the society as a whole. There are various motives ranging from social, political, and economic beliefs that all build a society, whereRead MoreTheory Of Development And Attachment Theory1168 Words  | 5 Pages Development/ Attachment Psychoanalyst, John Bowlby in the mid 19th hundreds, investigated attachment theory. Over the years, we have enhanced our understanding on how children attach to their primary caregiver earlier in life. Supported by attachment theory, infants have a window for the development of attachment to the primary caregiver, which, usually happens during the first months of life (Hardy, 2007). 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A) Psychoanalytic B) Humanistic C) Biological D) Cognitive Answer: A Page Ref: 24 2) Psychoanalytic theorists suggests that human development depends on A) our ability to accommodate external stimuli. B) our ability to modify our behavior based on the prospect of rewards or punishmentRead MoreTheories of Development1822 Words  | 8 Pages Theories of Development Matt Sellitri Psy-104 Child and Adolescence Development Allen, Craig Sept14th-2009 Thesis In my paper, on child development I will discuss three different points of view on cognitive, physical and emotional development. I will write about the three differences and similarities. I will discuss how they have an impact on the way they help in the development of children. I will explain how important child development is in regards to assisting in a child’s
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Computer Technology - 1733 Words
Computer technology is advancing at a rapid rate, causing the diversity and availability of assistive technology computer resources to have a tremendous impact for special education students across the United States. Assistive technology provides an opportunity for students with physical, emotional, and mental disabilities to acquire universal access to tools and opportunities for learning. Despite studies showing the benefits of assistive technology, many school districts fail to achieve the fullest potential that assistive technology can offer. This paper will define assistive technology, identify several obstacles of effective implementation, and present various approaches to overcoming those obstacles. Assistive technology is defined†¦show more content†¦Technology has made it easier for people to communicate in a faster, efficient, and cost saving means through the introduction of the communication channels. The world has turned out to be the centre for technology with different technologies emerging daily as the people continue to develop from time to time to cope with the growing technology. The benefits of adopting the communication technology are explained in this article which shows why people do not function without technology. Communication and Technology Communication is a critical thing in today’s society because the exchange of information is vital in living. People live both locally and globally through technological connections by maintaining contact and interaction between individuals from all corners of the world. Communication binds people, helps maintaining the society healthy and enables people to interact and make friends from different regions and cultures. According to Adrian in 2006, communication and information technology plays a great role in the individuals’ life. There is a high rate of growth of the communication technology industry and the benefits as more people come up with new means of communication by day. A point has reached where activities cannot function without information technology due to the many benefits whichShow MoreRelatedThe Computer Of Computer Technology901 Words  | 4 Pagesof the technology sector has been exponential. The introduction of the personal computer (PC) was the tr ue catalyst for the growth in popularity of computer technology. With this introduction also came the growth in popularity of being a computer scientist. The code used to write the software for these personal computers was brand new and easy to use. What made it easy to use was the fact that the computer code for the PC was very similar to the English language; whereas, previous computers used punchRead MoreComputer Technology And Computing Technology743 Words  | 3 PagesAbstractâ€â€Computation-intensive mobile applications are more in demand with the evolution in computer technology, while the computation capacities of mobile devices are limited. Computation offloading is a challenging method that sends heavy computation task to the resourceful computers and obtains results from them, provided computation offloading decision should balance system s benefits and costs. This paper presents the survey of various such computation offloading decisions algorithms highlightingRe ad MoreComputer Technology And Pharmacy : Computers1713 Words  | 7 PagesOctober 27, 2015 Computer Technology and Pharmacy Computer Technology and Pharmacy Over the past 40 years, information technology has had a major impact on the working lives of millions of people. Many industries have embraced computer technology because of the benefits of automated information processing. More importantly, Computers is a major part of our every day activities and it would be devastating if it was taking away because everything we do in some way requires a use of a computer. Some of theRead MoreEvolution of Computer Technology1581 Words  | 7 Pagesof inventions made by different people into modern forms. Single inventors rarely bring out modern invention. What we have now as electronic devices (the computers) are inventions of several scientists, mathematicians and engineers from different centuries. For the purpose of this mini research key terms like evolution, technology and computer shall be considered, not forgetting to take a careful look at the evolution of these inventions from different centuries/years to our present generation star tingRead MoreImpact Of Technology On The Computer Technology1795 Words  | 8 PagesCLOUD ASSISTED WEARABLE TECHNOLOGIES TEAM 7 Assignment No. 2 Bharti Kodwani Kavya Malla Nivedhitha Venkatachalam Sushanta Sahoo Email addresses bharti.kodwani@sjsu.edu kavya.malla@sjsu.edu sushanta.sahoo@sjsu.edu nivedhitha.venkatachalam@sjsu.edu Introduction: There have been numerous changes in the computer technology since the first computer was invented and this is an ongoing process. During this whole time computers have shrinked tremendously in size and now can be carriedRead MoreComputer Technology And Its Impact On Computer Crime1296 Words  | 6 Pagesuse of computer technology to disrupt the activities of a state or organization, especially the deliberate attacking of information systems for strategic or military purposes†(Oxford Dictionary, 2016). While this definition may seem fitting on a global basis the idea of cybercrime can encompass any valuable information of an individual, company, government, or military entity. The term hacker came about in the early 80’s defining a coup of people where were proficient at manipulating computers. HoweverRead MoreTechnology : History Of Computers1924 Words  | 8 PagesEthington English IV 22 October 2015 Technology: History of Computers Computers have taking a huge chunk of our everyday lives. If it be using a smartphone or any other type of technology. Computers have influenced a revolution in the way we live. But it was not always like this, before computers became a necessity, very few people had them in their houses. Only the people that could afford these big clunks of metal had them. As time would go by and technology grew a computer would find a home in everyone’sRead MoreComputer And Internet Technology : Computer Hardware1532 Words  | 7 Pages Computer and Internet Technology Computer Hardware A report for Geoff Wingfield By Joseph Key 9th December 2014 Contents 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Why Copper Tracks (Busses) Are Ultimately Limited In How Much Data Can Be Delivered By Them Per Second 3 2.1 Why Devices Such As Microprocessors Get Hot And Why The Heat Increases With Higher Clock Rates 3 2.2 Cost Of A PC Running 3 3.0 Describe How The Latest Technology Is Used To Optimise Its Operation For Speed 4 4.0 Cost Of Building ARead MoreTechnology in Computer Forensics1893 Words  | 8 Pagesthe topic of computer forensics. Computer forensics involves carefully collecting and examining electronic evidence that not only evaluates the damage to a computer as a result of an electronic assault, but also to recuperate lost information from a system to prosecute a criminal in a court of law. Since security is such an important factor in technology, it is crucial for any type of computer professionals to understand the aspects of computer forensics. Seeing that technology is such a majorRead MoreComputer Technology And The Internet1754 Words  | 8 PagesComputer Technology and Internet The internet has changed the world like nothing before it. It has changed communications and computer technologies, and allowed other technologies to come along. The invention of the telegraph, telephone, radio, and the computer in the past brought about the invention of the internet. Internet is one of the most successful commitments to research and development of information capabilities. The first record of any type of social interaction on the internet, through
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Acc 490 Week 4 Individual Assignment Free Essays
The trends show a significant increase in the inventory turn days, an increase in the gross margin for the best result for the four year period, and an improved collection time. c. 7. We will write a custom essay sample on Acc 490 Week 4 Individual Assignment or any similar topic only for you Order Now 84 days Tolerable misstatement ? cogs x 365 = 45 ? 1859 x 365 = 7. 84 d. 20Ãâ€"5 has significant changes with the combined decrease to purchases with an increase in the gross margin which increased by 52. 4%. Inventory turn days increased to 199 days from 183 days. When you combine this result with the expectation range of 7. 4 days, the result is significant and shows what could be a potential overstatement of inventory from a possible error in calculations or fraudulent financial reporting. 10-32 a. a. Control Environment. b. Control activities: Controls over management discretion in financial reporting. c. Control activities: Information processing controls: Computer general controls. d. Monitoring. e. Risk Assessment. f. Control Environment. g. Control activities: Information processing controls: Computer general controls. h. Control activities: Information processing controls: Computer application controls. i. Control activities: Performance reviews. j. Control activities: Information processing controls: Computer application controls. k. Monitoring. l. Information and communication. m. Risk assessment. n. Control activities: Information processing controls: Controls over the financial reporting process. b. a. Common impact. b. Valuation or Allocation c. All assertions d. Completeness, Existence or occurrence. e. Common impact f. All assertions g. All any assertion . Completeness i. Valuation or Allocation, Completeness, Existence or occurrence j. Existence or occurrence k. Existence or occurrence l. All assertions m. All assertions n. All assertions 11-21 a. The reasons an auditor may assess control risk at the maximum level for one or more assertions embodied in an account balance include controls that are unlikely to relate to an assertion, controls are unlikely to be effective, and it would not be ef ficient for the auditor to evaluate the effectiveness of the controls of the entity. b. In order for an auditor to support assessing control risk at less than the maximum level when the auditor has determined that the controls have been placed into operation include a few issues. One is that the auditor needs to identify the specific controls that will affect specific financial statement assertions. Another involves the auditor performing tests of controls in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and operation of said controls that prevent or detect any misstatements of material of financial statement assertions. The final issue is that the auditor needs to determine the assessed level of control risk. c. There are things that an auditor needs to consider when seeking a further reduction in the planned assessed level of control risk including if additional tests of controls will give additional needed evidence, and if it will be effective to the additional tests of controls. d. The auditor’s documentation requirements concerning an entity’s system of internal controls along with assessing the level of control risk include having the auditor document the basic requirements involving the systems of internal controls of the entity and assessing their levels of control risks. An auditor also needs to document the basic understanding of the risk assessment along with the control environment, monitoring, and information and communication. An auditor is also required to document the assessment of the level of control risk for all significant financial statement assertions along with the control risk that is assessed at the maximum level. Documentation of the workplace needs to include a description of the tests of controls that the auditor has completed, the results obtained from those findings with the deficiencies noted, the evaluation of the auditor as to the effectiveness of the controls, and the effect on the timing, nature, and extent of the substantive audit procedures. How to cite Acc 490 Week 4 Individual Assignment, Essay examples
Acc 490 Week 4 Individual Assignment Free Essays
The trends show a significant increase in the inventory turn days, an increase in the gross margin for the best result for the four year period, and an improved collection time. c. 7. We will write a custom essay sample on Acc 490 Week 4 Individual Assignment or any similar topic only for you Order Now 84 days Tolerable misstatement ? cogs x 365 = 45 ? 1859 x 365 = 7. 84 d. 20Ãâ€"5 has significant changes with the combined decrease to purchases with an increase in the gross margin which increased by 52. 4%. Inventory turn days increased to 199 days from 183 days. When you combine this result with the expectation range of 7. 4 days, the result is significant and shows what could be a potential overstatement of inventory from a possible error in calculations or fraudulent financial reporting. 10-32 a. a. Control Environment. b. Control activities: Controls over management discretion in financial reporting. c. Control activities: Information processing controls: Computer general controls. d. Monitoring. e. Risk Assessment. f. Control Environment. g. Control activities: Information processing controls: Computer general controls. h. Control activities: Information processing controls: Computer application controls. i. Control activities: Performance reviews. j. Control activities: Information processing controls: Computer application controls. k. Monitoring. l. Information and communication. m. Risk assessment. n. Control activities: Information processing controls: Controls over the financial reporting process. b. a. Common impact. b. Valuation or Allocation c. All assertions d. Completeness, Existence or occurrence. e. Common impact f. All assertions g. All any assertion . Completeness i. Valuation or Allocation, Completeness, Existence or occurrence j. Existence or occurrence k. Existence or occurrence l. All assertions m. All assertions n. All assertions 11-21 a. The reasons an auditor may assess control risk at the maximum level for one or more assertions embodied in an account balance include controls that are unlikely to relate to an assertion, controls are unlikely to be effective, and it would not be ef ficient for the auditor to evaluate the effectiveness of the controls of the entity. b. In order for an auditor to support assessing control risk at less than the maximum level when the auditor has determined that the controls have been placed into operation include a few issues. One is that the auditor needs to identify the specific controls that will affect specific financial statement assertions. Another involves the auditor performing tests of controls in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and operation of said controls that prevent or detect any misstatements of material of financial statement assertions. The final issue is that the auditor needs to determine the assessed level of control risk. c. There are things that an auditor needs to consider when seeking a further reduction in the planned assessed level of control risk including if additional tests of controls will give additional needed evidence, and if it will be effective to the additional tests of controls. d. The auditor’s documentation requirements concerning an entity’s system of internal controls along with assessing the level of control risk include having the auditor document the basic requirements involving the systems of internal controls of the entity and assessing their levels of control risks. An auditor also needs to document the basic understanding of the risk assessment along with the control environment, monitoring, and information and communication. An auditor is also required to document the assessment of the level of control risk for all significant financial statement assertions along with the control risk that is assessed at the maximum level. Documentation of the workplace needs to include a description of the tests of controls that the auditor has completed, the results obtained from those findings with the deficiencies noted, the evaluation of the auditor as to the effectiveness of the controls, and the effect on the timing, nature, and extent of the substantive audit procedures. How to cite Acc 490 Week 4 Individual Assignment, Essay examples
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