Thursday, December 26, 2019
Identify Brad’s Major Customers Essay - 1259 Words
identify Brad’s major customers †¢ prepare a customer service policy for Brad’s business †¢ prepare a standard for handling complaints †¢ prepare a work instruction for handling a complaint †¢ give an example of how you would change an element of the customer service system in response to the complaint about the quality of the meals †¢ outline how you would change the work culture in the kitchen †¢ outline how you would evaluate the customer service Brad’s Holiday Retreat gives in the future BSB40207 Certificate IV in Business _____________________________________________________________________________________________ HCICSS Coordinate Implementation of Customer Service Strategies Student Guide v2.0 August 2010 Page 5 †¢ design a†¦show more content†¦Brad’s Holiday Retreat is a family business that is managed by Rosemary, a qualified accountant, and her partner Brad, who is a trained real estate investor. They employ a full-time accountant, one full-time front office manager, one full time food and beverage manager, one full time chef, part-time front office staff, kitchen staff, waiters, cleaners and a contract gardener. Casual cleaners, waiters and kitchen hands are ‘on call’ to help cope when there are increased customer demands. Rosemary helps out in the office and looks after the telephones and administration when the receptionist has a break or goes to lunch. All customer service issues are handled by Rosemary and she certainly gives feedback to everyone in the business, including Brad, if there are customer service issues to be resolved. Customer base Brad’s Holiday Retreat customer base is currently 60% domestic tourist and 40% international. The domestic side of business is equally divided between travel agent booking and online/telephone bookings. The international business is almost exclusively online/telephone bookings. Although the return is better, these customers are the most demanding. About 60% of revenue comes from room costs; the remaining 40% comes from meals (10%), drinks (15%) and tour operations (15%). Customer satisfaction ‘Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed’ is on all of Brad’s advertising material and business cards, so Rosemary and Brad like to ensure thatShow MoreRelatedCustomer Service and Holiday Retreat Essay1242 Words  | 5 Pagesanalyse the data and material presented to make recommendations for changing the customer service processes and culture. Specifically, you are required to: †¢ identify Brad’s major customers †¢ prepare a customer service policy for Brad’s business †¢ prepare a standard for handling complaints †¢ prepare a work instruction for handling a complaint †¢ give an example of how you would change an element of the customer service system in response to the complaint about the quality of the meals †¢ outlineRead MoreCoke vs. Pepsi Essay4713 Words  | 19 Pagesplace to work where people are encouraged to be the best they can be. âž ¢ Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that expect and satisfy peoples desires and needs. âž ¢ Partners: Nourish a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value. âž ¢ Planet: Be a responsible and answerable citizen that makes a difference by helping to build and support sustainable communities. âž ¢ Profit: Increase long-term return to shareownersRead MoreAdvertising Term Paper with Case Study6753 Words  | 28 Pagesthat advertisers want to publicize. It is becoming a major part of mass media. At times we may view it positively, at other times we may just neglect or ignore it. In order to attract audiences, advertisers use various techniques on their advertisements to make people aware of the firms products, services or brands. Although the methods used by advertisers are infinitely, they have a common goal to persuade those who may become their customers to buy their products. An excellent advertisement willRead MoreMarketing Plan- Pepsi in Pakistan5680 Words  | 23 PagesEXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 CHALLENGE 5 New product category 5 Product line extension 5 Incremental Improvement 5 INTRODUCTION TO THE COMPANY 5 SIGTUATION ANALYSIS 7 COMPANY ANALYSIS 7 MISSION STATEMENT 7 VISION STATEMENT 7 MARKET SHARE 8 CUSTOMER ANALYSIS 8 CUSTOMERS: 8 CONSUMER DECISION PROCESS: 9 COMPETITORS 10 COLLABORATORS 11 CLIMATE: 12 ECONOMIC EFFECT ANALYSIS 12 POLITICAL EFFECT ANALYSIS 13 TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS: 14 SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ANALYSIS 14 SWOT ANALYSIS OF PEPSI 15 STRENGTHSRead MorePepsi Strategic Management Case Study Essay10439 Words  | 42 Pagesis aim to become the worlds premier consumer products company focused on convenient foods and beverages to its customer, so PepsiCo should put more money into its Ramp;D division to study the non-alcohol drink industry and their customer’s need, then create and modify their products to serve customer better and satisfy the unmet needs of their customers. One of PepsiCo’s major competitors is Coca-Cola; compared with Coca-Cola, PepsiCo occupies less market share and has less revenue worldwideRead MoreHr Issues of Pepsi5555 Words  | 23 Pagesincluding Gatorade, in 2001. 1898-1940 Caleb Bradham, a New Bern, N.C. druggist who first formulated Pepsi-Cola, founded PepsiCo’s beverage business at the turn of the century. In 1898, he renames â€Å"Brad’s Drink†, a carbonated soft drink, which he created top to serve his drugstore’s fountain customers. As most pharmacies in 1896, Bradhams drugstore housed a soda fountain where the small-town clientele would meet to socialize. Bradhams establishment even featured a kind of primitive jukebox, whichRead MorePepsi Summer Project Report12738 Words  | 51 Pagesof specific customer segment or segments with emphasis on profitability, ensuring the optimum use of resources available to the organization.†â€Å"Marketing is so basic that it can’t be considered a separate function. It is the whole business seems from the point of view of its final results that is from the customer’s point of view Business success is not determined by the producer but by the customer.†According to me marketing means, push the product to the market amp; pull the customer towards theRead MorePepsico17225 Words  | 69 Pagesbeverages. The largest operations of PepsiCo are in North America (United States and Canada), Mexico, Russia and the United Kingdom. However, this paper analysis PepsiCo internally and externally using different matrices and approaches besides it identifies what PepsiCo follows in their business and finally this paper implements and evaluates the strategies that were formulated from SOWT,BCG,SPACE,SFE and IE and end with our analysis of PepsiCo strategy in competing globally. Phase One I. BackgroundRead MorePepsico17216 Words  | 69 Pagesbeverages. The largest operations of PepsiCo are in North America (United States and Canada), Mexico, Russia and the United Kingdom. However, this paper analysis PepsiCo internally and externally using different matrices and approaches besides it identifies what PepsiCo follows in their business and finally this paper implements and evaluates the strategies that were formulated from SOWT,BCG,SPACE,SFE and IE and end with our analysis of PepsiCo strategy in competing globally. Phase One IRead MorePepsico Case8696 Words  | 35 Pagesfour overall by Diversity Inc, and earning the Green Award by the Environmental Protection Agency. COMPANY AND MARKETING HISTORY The Pepsi recipe was developed by pharmacist Caleb Bradham in the 1890s. Originally marketed under the unassuming name â€Å"Brad’s Drink,†Bradham’s creation was renamed Pepsi-Cola in 1898 due to the pepsin and kola nut ingredients used. Awareness of Bradham’s new creation spread quickly, and in 1902 he decided to create the Pepsi-Cola Company so people everywhere could enjoy
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
What Is The Self - 928 Words
What is the self? According to Gaynesford in his book, The Meaning of the First Person Term, the philosophy of self defines the essential qualities that make one person distinct from all others. There have been numerous approaches to defining these qualities. The self is the idea of a unified being which is the source of consciousness. Moreover, this self is the agent responsible for the thoughts and actions of an individual to which they are ascribed. I believe there are two separate identities that everyone possesses. There is no unchanging core of identity that makes us the same person from day to day; there is only an ever-shifting bundle of thoughts, feelings and memories. Every single day, thousands of people wake up in the morning get ready for work, eat breakfast, and head on their way to work. Although we have a multitude of things happen throughout our day, whether it’s an unexpected accident on the freeway or a flat tire, unanticipated events happen. When situations that we are not expecting arise, our emotions, feelings, and mood changes. Self Concept is an important term for both social psychology and humanism. Lewis (1990) suggests that development of a concept of self has two aspects: The Existential Self and The Categorical Self. The existential self is the most basic part of the self- scheme or self-concept; the sense of being separate and distinct from others and the awareness of the constancy of the self (Bee, 1992). SelfShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Self Or If There Even Is A Self?861 Words  | 4 PagesIn trying to define what is self or if there even is a self, Hume asserts personal identity is a mere illusion and instead the self is a classification of the process of our mutable parts. On the other hand, in Descartes’ dissertation he defines self as a â€Å"rational soul†(pg33) or an essence unique to humans, held constant in the container of the human body. Hume’s and Descartes’ definition of self therefore is an all or nothing assumption; either the self is nonexistent dependent on the presenceRead MoreWhat Is Self Care? Essay821 Words  | 4 Pages What is Self-Care? Self-care is one of those words that therapists use, forgetting that the rest of the population has never heard of it. Basically, it is a noun referring to taking care of your own emotional well-being. Self-Care works on two levels. First, the obvious- it allows you to take care of yourself, to nurture yourself. Second, it subconsciously sends you the message that you deserve to be taken care of, which can help increase your self-esteem, self-worth, and happiness. Self-careRead MoreWhat Is Self Knowledge?1282 Words  | 6 PagesWhat Is Self Knowledge? How to Improve Your Life Through Honesty With Yourself By Adam V Talbot | Submitted On May 11, 2015 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Adam V Talbot Anyone who s seenRead MoreWhat Makes A Self?1655 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is a self? Is A considered a self? To answer whether A is human we must first define what a self is. Each individual experiences and reacts to life and situations differently, and collectively, we do not have anything within us that is black and white, so that would lead to the conclusion that self cannot be explicitly defined. However, at the same time, that complexity in itself is a definition; the fact that we exist as gray areas ultimately proves that we are a living contradiction. So aRead MoreWhat is Self-Reliance?795 Words  | 3 PagesSome may ask, what is self-reliance? Self- Reliance is defined as relying on one’s own capabilities, judgment, resources, or independence. In â€Å"Self-Reliance†, written by an American Transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson describes how we should live and prosper as a human being. In order to be self- realigned one must trust themselves, believe in the mselves, and create individualism. The search for self-reliance comes from loving something, mainly yourself. Emerson states throughout his essay inRead MoreWhat Is Self Esteem? Essay655 Words  | 3 PagesWhat is self-esteem? Self-esteem is a term used in psychology to describe someone’s level of confidence and respect for themselves. Pride, shame and dignity are some of the emotions self-esteem encompasses. In 1943, Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist created the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; it was composed of physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem and self-actualization, physiological being the most basic needs. He believed that psychological health is not possible unless people acceptedRead MoreWhat Makes A Self Reliance?1691 Words  | 7 PagesWho is an American that embodies self-reliance and independence? Self-reliance, or independence as an individual, is an uniquely American trait. 2 Thessalonians 3:6-14, relating to this value, says to work hard, urge people to work for their own earning, and not be a burden on others. Without self-reliance, America could not be the country it is today. One person who embodies this American value would be Ulysses S. Grant. Grant showed this quality in his hard work to his family and country. He wasRead MoreWhat Is Your Ideal Self? Essay2130 Words  | 9 PagesWhat is your ideal self? Do you want to be a college graduate, married, mother/father, homeowner, cultured, musical? Your current state is called the actual self and the person that you want to be is called the ideal self. An ideal self-concept is how you would like a situation or outcome to be, for example completing a degree program or not being stuck in traffic. Actual self-concept is what your current situation or outcome is, for example being in school for a degree or being stuck in trafficRead MoreWhat Makes Your Self Concept?869 Words  | 4 Pageshelps create our self-concept. The reaction of others, your compariso n with others, the social roles you play, and the groups of people you identify with all contribute to the development of your self-concept. According to Bevan and Sole part of the way you construct your self-concept is by choosing to accept or reject what other people tell you about yourself. Your self-concept is influenced by the people you surround yourself with and by what they tell you, to keep a positive self-concept it is helpfulRead MoreWhat Is Self Grading In Data Mining1469 Words  | 6 PagesAccepting or Rejecting Students’ Self-grading in their Final Marks by using Data Mining First A. Author1, Second B. Author2, and Third C. Author3[Font: Times New Roman, Size:11] 1Member, Institute/Organization name[Font: Times New Roman, Size:11] 2Member, Institute/Organization name[Font: Times New Roman, Size:11] 3Member, Institute/Organization name[Font: Times New Roman, Size:11] Abstractâ€â€In this paper we propose a methodology based on data mining andself-evaluation in order to predict whether
Monday, December 9, 2019
Business Report On Balogne - Free Samples - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Questions: Discuss about theBusiness Report On Balogne. Answers: Introduction Balogne Pyt. Ltd. is a sugar product based company founded in 1965 in Mackay, Queensland by Louis Hape, a former cane sugar farmer. This company produces products such as Raw Sugar, White Sugar, Brown Sugar, Icing Sugar, Golden Syrup, Treacle etc. This company adopts a certain process to produce these products and distribute them to all over Australia. Recently because of Louis Hape retirement a new General Manager Ms. Erica Norris has joined Balonge. I as trainee business analyst presenting this document to help Ms. Erica to understand the Balonge better and improve its business process. Swim Lane Diagram Business process modelling is an important tool for managers and business owners of any organization. It is essential for smooth and focused functioning of a team to insure trackability and consistency. For a product base organization like Balogne Pyt. Ltd., processes are critically important from gathering raw material i.e. Sugar cane from farmers, process it step by step to get products and byproducts like Juice, Sugar Crystals, Brown Sugar, Syrup, Treacle etc. to deliver them in to all over Australia. Process modeling techniques like Swim Lane Modelling clearly describes step by step process of how Raw material is collected, processed and finally reached to its final destination. Use of Software tools - Software tools such as Microsoft Excel clearly shows data about sales and Profit-Loss. With the use of these kind of softwares managers and executives can easily see and make decisions on certain business related issues and problems. Here are the two graphs of sales Graph 1 Graph 2- We can see in graph 1 that percentage growth in earning of Golden Syrup is 81% and for the same period loss in Treacle is -5%. In swim lane chart we can see that Treacle is a further purified product of Golden Syrup. So, if we reduce the further purification of Golden Syrup, not only the production of Treacle will be reduced but also the production of Golden Syrup will be increased. By this way we can further increase the earnings from Golden Syrup and reduce loss from the extra production Treacle. We can easily see in the graph 2 that there is a growth in overall earnings of the company (it was $8,951,900 in 2014 and in 2015 it became $10,294,200). There is a growth of approximately 15%. Usability of Web 2.0 platform - Web 2.0 technologies have played a major role in the marketing of 21st century (Harrigan and Hulbert, 2011) and have made it possible for todays online consumer to have access to previously unknown sources of information in ways, scales and quantities never possible before (Constantin ides and Fountain, 2008). The notion of value co-creation has enabled the empowered, entrepreneurial, and liberated customers (Zwick et al., 2008) who take an active role in the value creation processes of business (Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2004). Web 2.0 technologies can be a powerful lure for Balogne Pyt. Ltd. Inside an organization they bring more employees into daily contact at almost nil price because of their interactivity. This may encourage members to participate more actively and share their idea in a more effective way in a certain project. Web conferencing or Video Conferencing services such as Webex and GoToMeeting can be great service for internal communications. By using these kind of services official meeting can be less expensive and more fruitful. One side company can save expenses on travelling and lodging also time of travel can be saved. By using applications such as Skype managers can see live status of the field units. Through Global Positioning Systems (GPS) it has become very easy to trace the live location of the transporting vehicle. For external communication social networking platforms such as Twitter and Facebook could be very useful. These platforms have opened a completely new direction of marketing and customer satisfaction for any business. Now a day the reputation of any company more or less depends on these social networking platforms. The more a company have fan following on these platforms, it will be beneficial for the growth of that company. Conclusion Through this document I will suggest that production of three products White Sugar, Sugar Cubes and Treacle should be reduced as they have loss of 31%, 27% and 5% respectively in the financial year 2014 to 2015, as shown in the graph. The reduction in the production of these materials will not only decrease the loss but also it will increase the production of high growth showing materials such as Raw Sugar, Brown Sugar and Golden Syrup. Also I suggest the introduction of Web 2.0 based applications such as Video Conferencing, GPS, Skype for internal communication to increase productivity and lowering the expenditures. For external communications I will suggest to use social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as they are the current tools of effective marketing and customer relationships. By using these applications/platforms we can not only increase our customer database but also inform them time to time about our new products and offers. Reference HARRIGAN, P. HULBERT, B. 2011. How can marketing academics serve marketing practice? The New Marketing DNA as a model for marketing education. Journal of Marketing Education,20,1-20. CONSTANTINIDES, E. FOUNTAIN, S. J. 2008. Web 2.0: Conceptual foundations and marketing issues. Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice,9,14. ZWICK, D., BONSU, S. K. DARMODY, A. 2008. Putting consumers to work. Journal of Consumer Culture, 8,163. PRAHALAD, C. K. RAMASWAMY, V. 2004. Co-creation experiences: The next practice in value creation. Journal of interactive marketing,18, 5-14
Monday, December 2, 2019
Public Policy Analysis
Unemployment in the US In the recent times, the issue of unemployment has taken a new dimension in the United States. This follows from the premise that the number of unemployed persons continue to rise. Since the 2007-2008 economic crisis, the state of the US economy has been undesirable.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Public Policy Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From that time, the US economy has failed to register meaningful growth or development. Although there were prospects that the economy would improve after the financial meltdown, the state has worsened. As Foroohar (2011) reckons, the Obama regime was on the verge of registering growth before discouraging data began emerging. Firstly, the increase in GDP was below the expected levels, as future forecasts did not show signs of improvement. Further, the housing industry revealed that prices were declining to levels that have never bee n experienced. In addition, levels of consumer spending were declining. When consumer spending falls, the manufacturing sector is negatively affected. Overall, unemployment rates are also likely to rise, as job creation continues to fall below the expected levels. Policy details After reflecting on the economic problems facing the United States, it is important to tackle the issue of unemployment in a bid to reign on its likely consequences. This is necessary since unemployment is becoming rampant among the youth in the United States. Towards addressing the concern, a policy option is proposed. The policy seeks to empower the youth before they graduate from colleges and schools. In this regard, the policy proposes the introduction of the subject of entrepreneurship in all disciplines of study. This should pave way for teaching the youth ways of creating jobs instead of looking for jobs after graduating. In order to make the policy successful, the State governments are required to se t aside funding kitties. Such kitties will be required to advance soft loans to fresh graduates.Advertising Looking for research paper on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The funding kitties are also expected to hire investment consultants who are charged with the responsibility of extending advisory services to the fresh graduates. The graduates will be advised to form small enterprises instead of seeking the mainstream employment opportunities. Applying the rational choice model The rational choice model of decision making presents a major framework that aids in the understanding of the decision making process (Dye, 2010). In its simplest form, the rationality model hinges on the notion that a rational being would prefer the option that yields the most preferable returns (Allingham, 2002). Bicchieri, (2003) observes that since the rational choice model promotes the gathering of all the necessary informa tion, the policymakers are under an obligation to solicit for all relevant ideas. Such pursuit of information holds an important place in policy-making as it guarantees that the policy being made is valuable in addressing the needs of the people. As illustrated in the paper, the problems facing the United States are diverse. In addition, the possible solutions to the problems are equally diverse. As such, it is necessary to collect information on the problem, list all possible solutions, weigh the various approaches and make a decision based on the assessment of these attributes. In this regard, policy makers are empowered to take measures that are most effective at the lowest possible price. Apart from the alarming rate of overall unemployment in the United States, the youth unemployment trends are worrying. It is observed by Foroohar, (2011) that a group of workers faces a danger of permanent relegation from the job market. The worst aspect lies on the probable consequences of the se unemployment statistics on the American community. Youth unemployment rests at twenty-four percent. Worse still, this group is not likely to secure jobs in the near future.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Public Policy Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Even if it did, it would earn twenty percent less than the amount the preceding groups earned. Applying the model in this case, policy makers are able to assess the consequences of the issue and take appropriate action. The model proposed would prove useful in both the decision-making and in the implementation process. In the decision-making process, the policy would be useful in deciding the options to take given a list of alternatives. Similarly, in the implementation process, the policy implementers would be able to decide which implementation approaches to use given a pool to select from. As such, the policy model is significant both to the decision-making and the implementation processes. Evaluation Based on the rational choice model, people engage in activities after comparing competing alternatives. If there are competing alternatives, then the need for perfect information is mandatory. This is important as it allows the decision-makers ample time to make informed decisions. However, in practice, it is often impossible to access all the necessary information regarding any case. Further, it is almost impossible to have complete understanding of an issue. This view is held in reference to the idea that human knowledge is often limited. Consequently, the rational choice model is premised on a number of assumptions which are not easy to meet. The theory also holds that the decision makers are able to compare the costs and the benefits associated with the decisions taken. Reference List Allingham, M. (2002). Choice Theory: A Very Short Introduction. London: Oxford.Advertising Looking for research paper on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Bicchieri, C. (2003). â€Å"Rationality and Game Theory†, in The Handbook of Rationality. London: Oxford University Press. Dye, T.R. (2010). Understanding public policy (13th ed.). Longman: Pearsonn Prentice Hall. Foroohar, R. (2011, June 08). What U.S. Economic Recovery? Five Destructive Myths. Time Inc. Web. This research paper on Public Policy Analysis was written and submitted by user Wolver-dok to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
To Studyplan Essay
To Studyplan Essay To Studyplan Essay Euneris February 06, 2014 Sashi’s Case Study As a teacher, I am interested in the well-being of Sashi and I would like help her develop her skills as better as she would can. I would give Sashi the opportunity to enroll her in my classroom because every child is special and every child needs opportunities in their life to grow and development their skills as best they can regardless of their special needs. The first step to help Sashi with her developmental delays and her social/emotional skills, I will give her one to one attention the first weeks to get to know her better and build her confidence with me. That way, I would see what she enjoys and what kind of activities she is interesting, I can include activities like dancing and singing into her daily activities, and I will provide to her activities that include cutting, gluing paper, working with play dough, reading books, etc. Giving Sashi one to one attention, planning activities that will help her with her developmental skills, redirecting her through consistent routines would help her to learn about routines and the importance to follow directions. For Social/emotional: Dancing activities in group or parallel play with the water table or in the sand box will encourage her to build a good relationship with her classmates. When I talk with Sashi’s parents, I will ask them if they are have any type of help to help Sashi with her developmental delays, if not, I will talk to them about the IEP that the state
Saturday, November 23, 2019
European Countries Ranked by Area
European Countries Ranked by Area The continent of Europe varies in latitude from places such as Greece, which is in the range of about 35 degrees north to 39 degrees north latitude, to Iceland, which ranges from around 64 degrees north to more than 66 degrees north. Because of the difference in latitudes, Europe has varying climates and topography. Regardless, it has been inhabited for about 2 million years. It consists of only about 1/15th of the worlds land, but the contiguous continent has about 24,000 square miles (38,000 sq km) of coastline. Stats Europe is made up of 46 countries that range in size from some of the largest in the world (Russia) to some of the smallest (Vatican City, Monaco). The population of Europe is about 742 million (United Nations 2017 Population Division figure), and for a landmass of about 3.9 million square miles (10.1 sq km), it has a density of 187.7 people per square mile. By Area, Largest to Smallest The following is a list of the countries of Europe arranged by area. Various sources may differ in size of a countrys area due to rounding, whether the original figure is in kilometers or miles, and whether the sources include overseas territories. Figures here come from the CIA World Factbook, which presents figures in square kilometers; they have been converted and rounded to the nearest number. Russia: 6,601,668 square miles (17,098,242 sq km)Turkey: 302,535 square miles (783,562 sq km)Ukraine: 233,032 square miles (603,550 sq km)France: 212,935 square miles (551,500 sq km); 248,457 square miles (643,501 square km) including overseas regionsSpain: 195,124 square miles (505,370 sq km)Sweden: 173,860 square miles (450,295 sq km)Germany: 137,847 square miles (357,022 sq km)Finland: 130,559 square miles (338,145 sq km)Norway: 125,021 square miles (323,802 sq km)Poland: 120,728 square miles (312,685 sq km)Italy: 116,305 square miles (301,340 sq km)United Kingdom: 94,058 square miles (243,610 sq km), includes Rockall and Shetland IslandsRomania: 92,043 square miles (238,391 sq km)Belarus: 80,155 square miles (207,600 sq km)Greece: 50,949 square miles (131,957 sq km)Bulgaria: 42,811 square miles (110,879 sq km)Iceland: 39,768 square miles (103,000 sq km)Hungary: 35,918 square miles (93,028 sq km)Portugal: 35,556 square miles (92,090 sq km)Austri a: 32,382 square miles (83,871 sq km)Czech Republic: 30,451 square miles (78,867 sq km) Serbia: 29,913 square miles (77,474 sq km)Ireland: 27,133 square miles (70,273 sq km)Lithuania: 25,212 square miles (65,300 sq km)Latvia: 24,937 square miles (64,589 sq km)Croatia: 21,851 square miles (56,594 sq km)Bosnia and Herzegovina: 19,767 square miles (51,197 sq km)Slovakia: 18,932 square miles (49,035 sq km)Estonia: 17,462 square miles (45,228 sq km)Denmark: 16,638 square miles (43,094 sq km)Netherlands: 16,040 square miles (41,543 sq km)Switzerland: 15,937 square miles (41,277 sq km)Moldova: 13,070 square miles (33,851 sq km)Belgium: 11,786 square miles (30,528 sq km)Albania: 11,099 square miles (28,748 sq km)Macedonia: 9,928 square miles (25,713 sq km)Slovenia: 7,827 square miles (20,273 sq km)Montenegro: 5,333 sq miles (13,812 sq km)Cyprus: 3,571 square miles (9,251 sq km)Luxembourg: 998 square miles (2,586 sq km)Andorra: 181 square miles (468 sq km)Malta: 122 square miles (316 sq km)Liechtenstein: 62 square miles (160 sq km)San Marino: 23 square miles (61 sq km)Monaco: 0.77 square miles (2 sq km) Vatican City: 0.17 square miles (0.44 sq km)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A Concise History of the Middle East Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
A Concise History of the Middle East - Essay Example Oppression of Jews in Eastern Europe during the late 1800’s resulted in a mass emigration of Jewish refugees to Palestine some of whom formed Zionist movement, which was aimed at making Palestine an independent Jewish nation (Ellis, 1972) In 1917, Britain issued Balfour declaration which was seen as an attempt to support Jewish. The declaration however stated that Britain’s support for the creation of Jewish national home in Palestine without violating civil and religious rights of the non-Jewish communities. By the year 1923 Britain had received two mandates a provisional mandate over Palestine and another east of river Jordan Arabs apposed the idea of Jewish national home which lead to a Palestine, Arab nation movement in early 1930s over 100,000 Jewish refugees came to Palestine from nazi Germany and Poland) which made the Arabs organize a general uprising that paralyzed Palestine in the late 1930s. In 1939 British began to limit Jewish immigration and land purchases and it was to be done under Arabs approval only (Mendelsohn, 1989) During World War II, most Palestinian Arabs and Jews stopped their resistance to the British rule and joined the allied forces. After World War II Zionist wanted British to allow immigration of the holocaust survivors they therefore used force to stop Great Britain from limiting Jewish immigration into Palestine. The United Nations special commission on Palestine recommended that Palestine be divided into Arab state and Jewish state also Jerusalem to be put under international control. The UN general assembly adopted this plan on November 29 1947, which could lead to the birth of Israel. Arabs rejected the move and fighting broke immediately. Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
English should be the official language of the United States Essay
English should be the official language of the United States - Essay Example Making English the official language would inspire new immigrants to learn the language of their adopted country. It is impossible to argue against the unifying power of having an official language. Many wealthy and powerful countries (France, Germany, Russia, Portugal, Spain, Italy) have one official language, and this puts them in very good stead when it comes to rallying people to a cause. In addition to unity, finances would be saved because making English the official language would eliminate the direct costs of bilingual education and translators. Such costs often run into billions of dollars, and the majority of it is drawn from local governments’ budgets. For instance, in 2002 in Los Angeles, $15 million, or 15% of the election budget was set aside for the printing of ballots in 7 languages and recruiting bilingual election personnel (Adams & Brink 12). The formation of organizations like U.S English, whose main goal is to push for the adoption of English as the official language of the United States, also shows that the issue needs to be seriously considered (King 495). In addition, there are groups opposed to making English the official language of the United States. It is also worth noting that the undercurrents surrounding the calls for English to be made the official language of the United States have been far much stronger than those opposing it. All those who have supported and tried to vindicate this cause have done so out of worry for the direction the country is headed. Theodore Roosevelt expressed the muted American linguistic-melting-pot theory when he said, â€Å"We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intended to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house.†And: â€Å"We must have but one flag. We must have but one language. That must be the language of the Declaration of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Balance Sheet and Sylvan Essay Example for Free
Balance Sheet and Sylvan Essay On January 1 2007, Pillar purchased 60% of the common shares of Sylvan for $4,500. On that date, Sylvan had common shares of $1,250 and retained earnings of $3,000. Fair values were equal to carrying values for all Sylvan’s net assets except inventory, capital assets and notes payable. The fair value of inventory was $60 more than book value, the book value of capital assets was $100 greater than fair value and the Notes payable had a fair value of $150 less than book value. Assume that all shares of Sylvan have the same value and no control premium was paid at the date of acquisition. The Consolidated Financial statements will be prepared using IFRS Entity Method. The financial statements for Pillar and Sylvan for the year ended December 31, 2010 were as follows: Balance Sheets December 31, 2010 $000’s PILLAR SYLVAN Cash $680 $435 Accounts receivable 1,755 1,025 Inventory 2,849 1,790 Capital assetsâ€â€net 3,976 3,000 Investment in Sylvan 4,500 Total assets $13,760 $6,250 Current liabilities $400 $255 Notes payable 5,800 1,185 Common shares 2,000 1,250 Retained earnings 5,560 3,560 Total $13,760 $6,250 Statements of Income and Retained Earnings Year Ended December 31, 2010 PILLAR SYLVAN Sales and all other Income $4,040 $2,710 Cost of sales 1,600 1,140 2,440 1,570 Amortization (480) (310) Other expenses and losses including taxes (500) (210) Net income 1,460 1,050 Additional information: numbers in $000’s 1. Capital assets are to be amortized over an average remaining useful life of 8 years at January 1, 2007 and the notes payable mature on December 31, 2011. Goodwill impairment losses for 2008 and 2010 were $240 and $300 respectively. Straight line amortization is acceptable for all acquisition differentials. 2. At December 31, 2010, Sylvan’s inventory included goods purchased from Pillar for $760. Total purchases from Pillar in 2010 were $1000 all priced at mark-up’s averaging 25% of Pillar’s cost. 3. On December 31, 2009, the inventories of Pillar contained $500 of merchandise purchased from Sylvan. Sylvan earns a gross margin of 30% on all sales to Pillar. During December 2010, Pillar purchased merchandise from Sylvan for $900 and did not pay for$250 of the purchases by December 31, 2010. 40% of the inventory was resold by Pillar before the year end. 4. On July 1, 2010, Sylvan sold a new tract of Land to Pillar for $170. On December 1, 2009, Sylvan had bought the land for $200. The fair market value of the land at July 1, 2010 was $220. 5. On September 30, 2008, Pillar sold Land to Sylvan for $100. The land had a book value of $60 on the date of the sale. 6. On December 1, 2010, Pillar and Sylvan declared and paid dividends of $150 and $100 respectively. 7. Both companies pay taxes at the rate of 40%. Assume all intercompany Transactions are taxed at 40% REQUIRED: Please use a GREEN BOOKLET 1. Prepare a Consolidated Balance Sheet at December 31, 2010. (22 Marks) 2. Prepare an independent calculation of ENDING Consolidated Retained Earnings at December 31, 2010. (11 marks) 3. Assume Pillar wishes to use the equity method in their General Ledger, calculate Investment income from Sylvan for the year ending December 31, 2010 (10 Marks) NOTE: This question will help you prepare for the technical question on the midterm. Do more than the question asks so that you are prepared for any possible questions you may be asked: Eg. Prepare a Consolidated Income statement and an independent calculation of Consolidated Net Income attributable to Parent company shareholders Calculate the Investment Income under the equity method: Note the only difference between the equity method used when significant Influence is present and the equity method used in the general ledger of the parent when control is present is the treatment of downstream transactions. According to IAS 28.28 all unrealized intercompany profits are eliminated proportionately between investor and investee. Therefore if investor owns 30% of investee, 30% of all unrealized profits/losses are removed. When control exists the parent eliminates upstream proportionately with NCI and downstream unrealized profits are eliminated 100% from parent. Check figures: At December 31, 2010 Goodwill at acquisition ($3,140) $2,600 Consolidated total Assets $17,615.6 Capital assets $6916 Consolidated Retained Earnings $5331.28 NCI Balance Sheet $2924.32 Consolidated Net Income Entity $2052.1 Attributable to Parent shareholders 1754.78 Attributable to NCI $297.32 Investment account Balance sheet :equity method $4,271.28 Investment income equity method 2010 $354.78(removing 100% downstream)
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Relationship between Learning and Memory :: Papers
Learning to tie shoes and ride a bike requires the encoding, storing, and retrieving of past observations of the procedure. With a lot of practice, children master these skills so well that they are able to remember them the rest of their lives. Memory is the storing of information over time. It is one of the most important concepts in learning; if things are not remembered, no learning can take place. As a process, memory refers to the "dynamic mechanism associated with the retention and retrieval of information about past experiences" (Sternberg 260). We use our memory about the past to help us understand the present. The study or memory in psychology is used in different ways, as well as there are many different ways to study how memory works in humans. In psychology there are many tasks used to measure memory, and different types of memory storages that human's use, such as sensory storing, or short term storing. There are also a lot of techniques that humans use to improve their memory, which they can use to learn, such as mnemonic devices. All these things can be classified as important issues in the study of human memory and ways of learning. In studying memory, researchers have devised various tasks that require participants to remember "arbitrary information" (Merkle). Memory tasks typically involve either recall or recognition. In recall memory you would be asked to give a fact, a word, or an item from memory. In recognition memory you are asked to identify from various things the correct word, fact, or item. How then do humans remember these things? It involves the human memory process, containing encoding, storing, and retrieving any information being given to us. Encoding is the process of placing information into memory. Storage is the process of retaining information in memory. Getting information out of memory is called retrieval. Out of the three, the most important is Encoding, because you must pay attention to the information that you want to place into your memory. It is the starting point, although there are three levels known within this beginning step. Fergus Craik and Robert Lockhart proposed three levels for encoding incoming information. "They suggested that whether we remember information for a few seconds or a lifetime depends on how deeply we process the information" (Internet). The first level is classified as Structural, because information is stored on visual codes. In other words, what information "looks" like or what is its physical structure.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Parent and Child Relationships Essay
â€Å"I Am Sam†is a powerfully touching film that tells the story of a parent and child’s love for one another. It shows that love is pure, and that no matter how great the mind is, love is even greater. The film’s protagonist is Sam, a mentally-challenged adult with a mental age of 7. Sam has a daughter, Lucy, with a prostitute who left them. Sam works at the local Starbucks to support Lucy, and everything is going along well until Lucy turned 7, because she already surpassed her father’s mental abilities. This creates problems, because early on we see that Lucy is precocious and inquisitive, and she is no longer satisfied with her father’s nonsense answers to her questions. When she starts wanting to read more difficult books than what Sam reads to her, she fakes having difficulty reading so as not to offend her father and make him feel inferior. On Sam’s part, even when he sees that Lucy is already growing up, he tries his best to support her the best way he knows how. Lucy does not see this yet because she is still a child, but she understands that her father is different, but she loves him because he is a very loving father who takes her out to the park and to eat pancakes and generally takes good care of her. Later in the film she is embarrassed when her classmates tease her that her father is a retard that she denies him and tells them that she is adopted. The authorities take her away from Sam, and later on sent to a foster home. When the authorities take Lucy away from him, he does everything he could to get her back. He even gets the fearsome lawyer Rita to help his cause. Rita, a successful and stringent lawyer who values winning more than anything, decides to take Sam’s case just to prove that she is not as selfish as she looks. Through the course of helping Sam, she realizes that Sam is a good father, that Sam’s mental inadequacy has not hampered his ability to love and care for his daughter at all. That in fact, he is a better parent than she is. When at first she sought to win Sam’s case because she did not want to lose, eventually Rita sympathizes with Sam’s cause. Sam visits Lucy regularly, and Lucy realizes that she wants her father back, and that she is going to fight back just to be with him, even if she is smarter than him, even if the world laughs at her for having a retard for a father. At this moment, Lucy has matured, and although she is just 7, she has taken responsibility not only of her own actions, but also decided that she will take care of her father when he could no longer take care of her, that she needs to be smart and capable and strong for the both of them. She saw just how much her father loves her and how he does not give up on her even when she denied him. However, even with Rita’s help, Sam loses the custody battle at court. Sam breaks down as he is convinced that he cannot take care of his own daughter. All this time, he was doing everything he could, enlisting the help of his friends and employers and colleagues to prove that he has what it takes to raise his daughter, but he finally accepts the fact that he is mentally inadequate to give her needs. If he really loves his daughter, he would do what is best for her even if it means letting go of her so that she could be the best that she could be. And Sam does that. He accepts that he cannot take care of Lucy, but even when he concedes, he does not give up on being a father to her. He moves in to an apartment just to be nearer to Lucy, so that even if he cannot raise her at least he could be there for her whenever she needed him, and so that he could watch her grow up. Lucy is hurt that she cannot be with her father, but she takes matters on her own hands, Late at night she sneaks out of her foster home to be with her father. Her foster parents find her out, and she does not deny that she longs to be with her father, even if they think that they can be better parents than him. Eventually, the foster parents let her go back to Sam, for Sam to have custody of her. The film tells us that love is great driving force that cannot be measured by financial success, or by intellectual achievements. Society may look at Sam as a retarded, inadequate man, but he fought for his daughter against all odds, when Lucy’s own mother simply walked out and left them. Lucy was smarter than Sam, but she learned about love from her father because he showered her with it. That is why even when she was presented with a better future with a â€Å"better†set of parents, she still chooses to go back to Sam, because she knows that her father loves her and she loves him. At the end, the film teaches us what a parent can give best to his child, and what a child needs most from a parent – love. And that is something that cannot be bought or substituted with material things, because children will always know if their parents have shown them enough love.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Becoming an Informed Voter Essay
What is the Political History of your district and State? Harris County in the state of Texas was formed in the winter of 1836, and was first called Harrisburg County after an early settler named John Richard Harris. The name changed from Harrisburg County to Harris County in 1839. In the United States House of Representatives, Ted Poe, a Republican, currently represents my district (Northwest Harris County). John Whitmire was elected in 1983 as a Democrat, and he represents Northwest Harris County in the Texas Senate. There are seven major districts that are represented in the Texas Legislature. â€Å"Over the period since initial statehood in 1845, the constituencies and ideologies of the two major parties we know today have experienced profound transformations. The Republican Party didn’t even exist in the United States until just before the Civil War, and barely existed in Texas and the rest of the former Confederacy for several decades after Reconstruction. The Democratic Party evolved from a party closely identified with white racial supremacy to a coalition of groups that included African Americans and ethnic minorities, while the Republican Party slowly gained majority status as a home for social conservatives. Both parties today remain economically conservative, resisting tax increases and regulations on business, while promoting government support of business initiatives.†(The University of Texas at Austin, 2009.) The Populist Party existed from the 1880’s to the 1910’s, and was very significant on both the state and national levels. The Populist Party was formed to represent the interests of laborers and farmers in the 1890s, and was known for advocating the unlimited coinage of silver. Ross Perot, a Dallas billionaire, created the Reform Party in the late 1990s. The Reform party believes in the basic values on how the government should work today. The top priorities that the Reform party issued to the government are: â€Å"Setting higher ethical standards for the White House and Congress, Balancing the budget, Campaign and election reform, Imposing term limits, Tax system overhaul, Revisions to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security plans, Revising trade and immigration policies to promote jobs in the U.S., and Lobbying reform.†(Elissa Haney, 2014) Other parties, such as the Libertarian party and the Green party have enjoyed the support of a small number of devoted citizens throughout the county. â€Å"Texas political culture and ideology are well described by the combination of three main philosophical streams: classical liberalism, social conservatism and populism.†(The University of Texas at Austin, 2009.) How have they voted in recent presidential and congressional elections? Presidential elections: During the 2008 presidential election, Democratic candidate Barack Obama won the majority of votes in Harris County, Texas, which includes the city of Houston and surrounding communities. It was a narrow victory in Texas’ biggest county, with Obama winning only 50.5% of the vote against the Republican candidate, John McCain. In the most recent presidential election of 2012, the margin of victory was even smaller when they elected Democratic President Barack Obama with 49.39% of the vote, over his challenger, Mitt Romney, with 49.31%. However, in the statewide vote for the presidential candidates, Mitt Romney won Texas with 57.17% of the voters, and Barack Obama only got 41.38%. Even in 2008, John McCain won Texas with 56% of the voters, and Obama only got 44%. Congressional elections: In the recent congressional elections, the majority of the district voted for Republican candidate, Ted Poe. He defeated the democratic candidate Nick Lampson by a margin of 55.5% to Lampson’s 43%. Can your district or state be considered to be leaning Republican or leaning Democratic? The major metropolitan areas of Texas, Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio, have been voting for more liberal platforms (Democratic) for a number of years now, however, the state as a whole has been leaning in a more conservative direction and voting Republican. States’ rights, the fight for the unborn and their right to life, and resistance to gun legislation, tend to be some of the top issues for conservative Texas voters. The last time a Democrat carried the state of Texas was in 1976, when Jimmy Carter won the Presidential election. During the 2004 presidential election, then President and Republican candidate, George W. Bush, won with 61.09% against 38.30% votes for the Democratic candidate John Kerry. However, in the more recent Presidential elections that were held in 2008 and in 2012, the very popular Democratic candidate, Barack Obama, did not win the majority vote for Tex as. Thus, looking at this information, it can be said that the state of Texas tends to lean more towards the Republican side. Are the parties relatively even or does one party dominate the elections? Looking at the election results derived from Texas in the past, it can be said that the Republicans have had the upper hand over the Democratic Party in this state for quite some time, but the cities tend to be very liberal. There are currently only 12 Democratic representatives and 24 Republican representatives to U.S. House of Representatives. ( Since 1846, in the state of Texas, there have been 39 Democratic governors, 5 Republican, 1 Unionist, and 1 Independent, with the Republicans holding on to that position for the past 20 years. (Texas State Library and Archives Commission) Does your district have a long tradition of supporting one party or has it been changing in recent years? The Democratic Party had a majority stronghold in my district from as far back as March 30, 1846 until January 3, 2005, when Republican candidate, Ted Poe broke the line of Democratic succession. Today, he continues to represent the Texas 2nd Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives. After the U.S Census in 2010, both Houses of the Texas Legislature introduced bills to redraw the state congressional and legislative boundaries. Due to this process, Texas gained four Congressional seats in the U.S House of Representatives, which was more than any other state. As a result of redistricting, the 2nd Congressional District became more conservative by a small margin, which gave Ted Poe the advantage for re-election. The demographics have also changed quite a bit over the past 20 years. In the 1990s, the estimated number of people in Harris County was 2,818 ,199. In 2010, the number rose to 4,092,459. In 2013, there are now 4,336,853 people (U.S Census records). Demographics have changed as well. In 2010, the demographics in Harris County, Texas were as followed. Anglo= 1,349,646 Hispanic=1,671,540 Afr-Am=754,258 Asian=249,853 And Other=67,162 Total=4,092,459 How did your representative and senator come to power? (Thoroughly describe their backgrounds.) Representative Ted Poe attended Abilene Christina University, where he achieved his Bachelors degree in political science. â€Å"Ted Poe served in the United States Air Force Reserves, taught high school and college classes and earned a law degree from the University of Houston. Soon after graduation, he accepted a position as a prosecutor in Houston, Texas.†(U.S. Congressman Ted Poe, 2014) In 1973, he also received his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Houston Law Center. Before entering into politics, he served in the United States Air Force Reserves’ C-130 unit based out of Ellington Air Force Base from 1970 to 1976. After serving in the military for 7 years he changed his life track and became a chief felony prosecutor in Harris County for about 8 years. He then was appointed a felony court judge in Harris County in 1981, making him on of the youngest judges in the state of Texas. â€Å"Prior to serving in Congress, Ted Poe served for 22 years as a criminal court judge in Houston where he garnered national media attention for his innovative sentences – dubbed â€Å"Poetic Justice.†Prior to that, he served for 8 years in the Harris County District Attorney’s Office, where he became the chief felony prosecutor and never lost a jury trial.†(U.S. Congressman Ted Poe, 2014) Senator John Cornyn was born in Houston, Texas, and is a graduate from Trinity University with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. He earned his Juris Doctor from St. Mary’s University School of Law in 1977. While he was serving as a Justice on the Texas Supreme Court, he was attending the University of Virginia School of Law where he achieved his Master of Law degree. Cornyn was elected as a Judge for Texas’ 37th District Court from 1985 to 1991. He then was elected as an Associate Justice of the Texas Supreme Court, and served in that position from 1991 to 1997. In 1998, Cornyn decided he wanted to become the Texas Attorney General, and campaigned against Barry Williamson, defeating him by a margin of 58% to 43% in the primary. In the general election, he defeated Jim Mattox, who was the former Attorney General and a U.S. Congressman. John Cornyn is only the second Republican to become an Attorney General in the State of Texas. In a long running Senate campaign that cost each candidate over $18 million dollars, Cornyn was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2002, after defeating five other candidates in the Republican Primary, as well as the Democratic candidate, Ron Kirk, by an electoral margin of ten to one. Senator Cornyn succeeded Senator Phil Gramm, also a Republican. He continues to earn the respect from fellow Texans every year by successfully taking state policies and issues to Washington D.C. â€Å"Senator Cornyn now serves as Minority Whip for the 113th Congress. He serves on the powerful Senate Finance Committee, which shares jurisdiction over health care legislation, and the Senate Judiciary Committee, which questions President Obama’s nominees to the Supreme Court of the United States.†(Texans for Senator John Cornyn, Inc. 2014.) How do the interest groups (ADA, ACLU, ACU, CC or FRC) rate your representative and senator? Include the exact scores from each of these groups. American for Democratic Action -John Cornyn=0%â€â€Ted Poe=10% Family Research Council -John Cornyn=88%â€â€Ted Poe=100% Christian Coalition -John Cornyn=100%â€â€Ted Poe=100% American Civil Liberties Union -John Cornyn=0%â€â€Ted Poe=0% American Conservative Union -John Cornyn=88%â€â€Ted Poe=88% ( Based on these ratings, would you classify your representative and senator as conservative or liberal? Justify your answer. I would say that both my senator and representative are conservative, because of the ratings from these three interest groups. The ADA and the ACLU are both liberal leaning and gave low scores. The conservative groups, ACU, FRC, and Christian Coalition all marked both men high on conservative issues. For instance, Senator Cornyn opposed President Barack Obama’s health reform legislation, and he also voted against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (which is known to be Obama Care). In 2007, Ted Poe received a â€Å"zero†rating from the abortion rights group, also known as NARAL, because he is firmly pro-life (which is primarily a conservative view). He also does not support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, calling it â€Å"government run health care.†(Ted Poe, 2009). I personally appreciate both my senator, and r epresentative for Texas and Harris County, as their positions line up with my values, they understand that the government is moving in the wrong direction, and will do whatever it takes to appropriately represent the people of Texas. References Stephen Witham. Becoming an Informed Voter. Liberty University, 2014. Texas Politics. The University of Texas at Austin, Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services, 2009. Retrieved from Barone, Michael. The Almanac of American Politics 2014. University of Chicago Press, 2013. Wilson Q. James. American Government, Brief Version. 11th ed. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. 2009, 2012, 2014. Gu, Paul. Harris County History. TX Political Almanac, 2014. Retrieved from About John. Texans for Senator John Cornyn, Inc. 2014. Retrieved from Poe, Ted. Ted Poe, U.S. Congressman 2nd District of Texas. United States House of Representatives, 2014. Retrieved from Harris County, Houston County Website. Harris County History., Inc. 2014. Governors of Texas, 1846-present. Texas State Library and Archives Commission, 2014. Elissa Haney. Reform School: A primer on the political party founded by Ross Perot and boosted by the governorship of Jesse Venture. Pearson Education, 2000-2014.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Unexpected Presidency of Gerald R. Ford
The Unexpected Presidency of Gerald R. Ford Becoming vice president or President of the United States are no small feats. But between 1973 and 1977, Gerald R. Ford did both- without ever getting a single vote. How did he do that? In the early 1950s, when Michigans Republican Party leaders urged him to run for the U.S. Senate – generally considered the next step to the presidency – Ford declined, stating that his ambition was to become Speaker of the House, a position he called the ultimate achievement†at the time. â€Å"To sit up there and be the head honcho of 434 other people and have the responsibility, aside from the achievement, of trying to run the greatest legislative body in the history of mankind,†said Ford, â€Å"I think I got that ambition within a year or two after I was in the House of Representatives.†But after over a decade of putting forth his best efforts, Ford continually failed to be chosen as a speaker. Finally, he promised his wife Betty that if the speakership eluded him again in 1974, he would retire from Congress and political life in 1976. But far from returning to the farm, Gerald Ford was about to become the first person to have served as both Vice President and President of the United States without being elected to either office. Suddenly, its Vice President Ford In October 1973, President Richard M. Nixon was serving his second term in the White House when his Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned before pleading no contest to federal charges of tax evasion and money laundering related to his acceptance of $29,500 in bribes while governor of Maryland. In the first ever application of the vice-presidential vacancy provision of the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, President Nixon nominated then House Minority Leader Gerald Ford to replace Agnew. On November 27, the Senate voted 92 to 3 to confirm Ford, and on December 6, 1973, the House confirmed Ford by a vote of 387 to 35. One hour after the House voted, Ford was sworn in as Vice President of the United States. When he agreed to accept President Nixons nomination, Ford told Betty that the Vice Presidency would be a nice conclusion to his political career. Little did they know, however, that Fords political career was anything but over. The Unexpected Presidency of Gerald Ford As Gerald Ford was getting used to the idea of being vice president, a spellbound nation was watching the Watergate scandal unfold. During the 1972 presidential campaign, five men employed by President Nixons Committee to Re-elect the President had allegedly broken into the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington D.C.s Watergate hotel, in an attempt to steal information related to Nixons opponent, George McGovern. On August 1, 1974, after weeks of accusations and denials, President Nixons Chief of Staff Alexander Haig visited Vice President Ford to tell him that the smoking gun evidence in the form of Nixon’s secret Watergate tapes had been exposed. Haig told Ford that conversations on the tapes left little doubt that President Nixon had taken part in, if not ordered, the cover-up of the Watergate break-in. At the time of Haigs visit, Ford and his wife Betty were still living in their suburban Virginia home while the vice presidents residence in Washington, D.C. was being renovated. In his memoirs, Gord would later say of the day, Al Haig asked to come over and see me, to tell me that there would be a new tape released on a Monday, and he said the evidence in there was devastating and there would probably be either an impeachment or a resignation. And he said, Im just warning you that youve got to be prepared, that these things might change dramatically and you could become president. And I said, Betty, I dont think were ever going to live in the vice presidents house. With his impeachment almost certain, President Nixon resigned on August 9, 1974. According to the process of presidential succession, Vice President Gerald R. Ford was immediately sworn in as the 38th President of the United States.  In a live, nationally televised speech from the East Room of the White House, Ford stated, I am acutely aware that you have not elected me as your president by your ballots, and so I ask you to confirm me as your president with your prayers. President Ford went on to add, My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over. Our Constitution works; our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men. Here, the people rule. But there is a higher power, by whatever name we honor Him, who ordains not only righteousness but love, not only justice but mercy. Let us restore the golden rule to our political process, and let brotherly love purge our hearts of suspicion and hate. When the dust had settled, Fords prediction to Betty had come true. The couple moved into the White House without ever living in the vice presidents house. As one of his first official acts, President Ford exercised Section 2 of the 25th Amendment and nominated Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York to be vice president. On August 20, 1974, both Houses of Congress voted to confirm the nomination and Mr. Rockefeller took the oath of office December 19, 1974. Ford Pardons Nixon On September 8, 1974, President Ford granted former President Nixon a full and unconditional presidential pardon absolving him of any crimes he might have committed against the United States while president. In a nationally televised TV broadcast, Ford explained his reasons for granting the controversial pardon, stating that the Watergate situation had become â€Å"a tragedy in which we all have played a part. It could go on and on and on, or someone must write the end to it. I have concluded that only I can do that, and if I can, I must.†About the 25th Amendment Had it happened prior to the ratification of the 25th Amendment on Februayr 10, 1967, the resignations of Vice President Agnew and then President Nixon would have almost certainly triggered a monumental constitutional crisis.The 25th Amendment superseded the wording of Article II, Section 1, Clause 6 of the Constitution, which failed to clearly state that the vice president becomes president if the president dies, resigns, or otherwise becomes incapacitated and unable to perform the duties of the office. It also specified the current method and order of presidential succession. Prior to the 25th Amendment, there had been incidents when the president was incapacitated. For example, when President Woodrow Wilson suffered a debilitating stroke on October 2, 1919, he was not replaced in office, as First Lady Edith Wilson, along with the White House Physician, Cary T. Grayson, covered up the extent of President Wilsons disability. For the next 17 months, Edith Wilson actually carried out many presidential duties. On 16 occasions, the nation had gone without a vice president because of the vice president had died or had become president through succession. For example, there was no vice president for almost four years after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, prompted Congress to push for a constitutional amendment. Early, erroneous reports that Vice President Lyndon Johnson had also been shot created several chaotic hours in the federal government. Happing so soon after the Cuban Missile Crisis and with Cold War tensions still at a fever pitch, the Kennedy assassination forced Congress to come up with a specific method of determining presidential succession. New President Johnson experienced several health issues, and the next two officials in line for the presidency were 71-year-old Speaker of the House John Cormack and 86-year-old Senate President Pro Tempore Carl Hayden. Within three months of Kennedys death, the House and Senate passed a joint resolution that would be submitted to the states as the 25th Amendment. On February 10, 1967, Minnesota and Nebraska became the 37th and 38th states to ratify the amendment, making it the law of the land.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
4 Reasons to Teach in a Private School
4 Reasons to Teach in a Private School Teaching in a private school has many advantages over teaching in a public school. For most of us, it comes down to the reality that all we really want to do is teach. We find the administrative side of the job confining and time-consuming. Minimal bureaucracy has to be the biggest advantage of teaching in a private school, but there are other advantages. Private schools create a climate for serious teaching with the following: thin management structuresmall class sizessmall schoolsideal teaching conditions Thin Management Structure A private school is its own independent entity. Its not part of a large administrative group of schools, like those in a school district. So you dont have to go up or down through layers of bureaucracy to deal with issues. Private schools are autonomous units of manageable size. The organization chart typically has the following upward path: StaffDepartment HeadHead of SchoolBoard. You will find additional layers in larger schools, but even there its a pretty thin management structure. The advantages are obvious: responsiveness to issues, clear communication channels. You dont need a union to help you deal with issues when you have easy access to administrators. Small Class Sizes This issue goes to the heart of what we teachers are all about. Small class sizes allow us to teach effectively, to give our students the individual attention which they deserve, and to accomplish the goals which have been entrusted to us. Private schools typically have class sizes of from 10-12 students. Parochial schools generally have larger class sizes, but even they are smaller than those in comparable public schools. Contrast this with your public schools which range from 25-30 or more students per class. At that class size, you become a traffic cop, not a teacher. Union mandated class size is not an issue in private schools. Small Schools Most private schools have 300-400 students. The largest independent schools top out at only 1100 or so students. Compare that with public schools with 2,000-4,000 students and you can understand why students in private schools are not just numbers. Teachers can get to know all their students as well as others throughout the school community. The community is what private schools are all about. Ideal Teaching Conditions Teachers want to be creative. They want to teach their subject. They want to light the fires of enthusiasm for learning within their young charges. Because private schools adhere to the spirit, but not to the letter of state-mandated curricula, there is great flexibility in the choice of texts and of teaching methodologies. You dont need a union agreeing to the adoption of this text or that methodology for use in the classroom. Common Goals Private school students are there because their parents want them to have the best possible education. Parents are paying serious money for that service. Consequently, everybody expects the very best results. If you are passionate about your subject, you feel the same way. Only the best will do. Public Vs Private Education: Differences While there are many differences between public and private schools, the primary difference is the approach to discipline. In a private school, the rules of the school are clearly laid out when you sign the contract to attend a private school. By signing the contract you agree to abide by the terms of the contract which include consequences for infraction of the discipline code. In a public school, you have rights - constitutional rights which must be respected. The disciplinary process takes time and frequently is a cumbersome, complicated process. Students quickly learn how to play the system and can tie teachers up in knots for weeks over disciplinary matters.​ Discipline Promotes an Atmosphere of Learning When you are not fighting for control of a class, you can teach. Because parents send their children to private school to learn, the focus is on learning. Of course, there will still be the usual teenage experimenting with authority and the limits. But, as a rule, that kind of testing is fairly harmless. Why? Because everybody knows the rules. The code of conduct spells out serious consequences for disrespecting a teacher or a classmate. The code of conduct is enforced. Bullying is unacceptable behavior. Disruptive behavior is unacceptable. Fighting is unacceptable. Discipline promotes an atmosphere of learning. Discipline is a critical part of the three-way partnership private school education is all about. When you sign the contract with the school, you commit to a three-way partnership. While the school takes care of the academics and provides a host of other services while your child is in its care, you are still required to be involved. The school will not allow you to be a silent partner. It will insist on your involvement. When you have no distractions in the classroom, you can teach. Editors note: Brian Horgan is the Director of the Upper School at Gilmour Academy. I asked him why he taught in an independent as opposed to a public school. Here is his response. Most of the colleagues with whom I work and share the joy of independent school teaching, celebrate the aspects of what the late British historian of ideas, Isaiah Berlin, famously refers to as negative libertythe freedom to act without interference from others. Clearly, this is a valuable aspect of independent school teaching. Most of us relish the opportunity to work free of burdensome dictates of state department of education mandates, strict and often misguided teacher certification and re-certification requirements, pat curricular designs and assessment procedures, and bureaucratic paperwork including the submission of daily lesson plans. In my teaching career I have come to appreciate the benefits of this kind of liberty as well; however, I try to remain attentive to the opportunities, by way of responsibilities, this kind of freedom makes imperative. It is precisely these opportunities that give me cause to celebrate the independent school experience. More specifically, the fr eedom I enjoy as an independent school teacher affords me the opportunity to turn my attention to things that matter most.​ Because I am free from the democratic, though nobly intended, policies of public education, I can work within a smaller community where individuals can meet the individual needs of other individuals. Of course, the demands of the community become more pronounced in this small settingthe virtuous practice of sharing, listening, and compassion are paramount to the success of the independent school. A good public school system will, to be sure, have teachers who are committed to these virtues as wellmy children have been in their classrooms. But it is also true that there are teachers who are not so committed in part, perhaps, because they work in school systems where, by necessity or accident, sociological statistics and objective data collection have become more important than people. Unfortunately, independent schools employ people like this as well but my sense is that this is accidental rather than the inevitable by-product of a large educational system overburdened by bureaucratic demands. The small community of learners to be found in an independent school invites us to listen to the individual needs of our students and respond to those individual needs rather than having to resign ourselves to the limitations that long class rosters and incredibly hefty teaching loads would normally dictate. It invites us to share our insights, strategies, and classrooms with our colleagues rather than wasting time and energy protecting turf and reputation. It invites us to self-direct our professional growth rather than having it governed for us by people whom we have never met. When we enjoy these benefits of independence, however, we must recognize that the source of our joy is an independence hat differs from the negative liberty of no interference. As independent school educators we must be constantly mindful that to be independent of outside demands is to be, at the same time, bound by professional and inter-personal obligations, and that monitoring these obligations has become, to a great extent, the responsibility of the individual rather than the state, or proficiency test results, or the superintendent, or even, in some cases, the department chair. Freedom should never mean that one is free to do whatever one pleases; rather it should mean that one has the opportunity to focus with greater clarity on the proper limits of independence. To be independent does not allow one to say leave me alone and let me do my work; instead it calls one to invite others to share that work in an environment that is grounded in trust. With freedom comes dutya duty to m ove beyond the walls of individual classrooms and attend to the broad requisites of the mission. Unfortunately, I fear this aspect of independence is sometimes overlooked. Fortunately, many independent school teachers are mindful of the full scope of possibilities their independence affords and consequently enjoy the most rewarding benefits of teaching at an independent school. Some people think that you have to wear an academic gown when you teach at a private school. At least thats the impression you get when you watch the Harry Potter movies. Thats just one misconception people have about teaching in a private school. Myths abound concerning teacher salaries, teacher certification, faculty housing, same-sex partners and the impression that private schools are elitist. Lets find out the facts. Salaries Myth: Private school teachers make less than their colleagues in public schools. As with most things, thats not necessarily true. A lot depends on the kind of the school we are talking about. For example, a third-grade teacher in a parochial school will make about 10-15% less than her counterpart in a public school. Why? Parochial school budgets are traditionally the slimmest in the business because their tuitions are among the lowest in the business. Now, put that same third-grade teacher in a Montessori school and the salary gap closes significantly. Why? Montessori schools typically charge what the market will bear. Highly qualified teachers with terminal degrees working at the top prep schools will make very close to what their colleagues in public education make. Ditto for administrators. Elitism Myth: Private school students are spoiled rich kids or neer-do-wells who have been packed off to private school for remediation. Yes, there are day schools in many parts of the country where you will see more luxury cars per square foot in the school parking lot than you can possibly imagine. Yes, it is impressive seeing Joshs dad land on the soccer field in his company helicopter*. The reality, however, is that most schools are remarkably diverse, inclusive communities. Ignore the popular stereotypes which Hollywood loves to perpetuate. Same-Sex Partners Myth: Same-sex partners are not welcome in private schools. That may still be the case in most conservative religious schools. On the other hand, some of the top prep schools including Andover welcome same-sex couples on their faculty and staff. They enjoy all the rights and privileges which heterosexual couples enjoy. Housing Myth: Private schools require their faculty to live on campus Some do and some dont. Boarding schools typically want their junior faculty to be dorm masters. In other words, you are required to live in an apartment in the dorm and be responsible for supervising the students who board. Senior faculty and staff generally live in school-provided housing located on campus. Day schools dont require their faculty to live on campus as a rule. Dress Code Myth: Private school teachers have to wear academic gowns. American and Canadian private school teachers dress up in their full academic regalia for state occasions such as prize day and graduation only at schools which have a tradition of such formality. Personally, I think that an academic procession with faculty wearing their gowns and hoods is inspiring. Some English schools such as Eton have a very formal dress code. Gown and mortarboard are de rigeur in the classroom. (Considering how cold and drafty English classrooms can be, thats probably not a bad idea.) What is the dress code in most schools? Generally, it follows the lead of the student dress code. If a blazer, shirt, and tie are required for young men, male faculty will dress similarly. The same applies to women faculty. They will wear clothes appropriate to the young ladies dress code. Article edited by Stacy Jagodowski
Sunday, November 3, 2019
MDCM CASE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
MDCM CASE - Essay Example The services that are provided by the company must also be of standard quality. The company has been suffering loss in the market in spite of all its steps and strategy designed for the customers and company’s benefit. The company shares its benefits and losses with the customers in order to form close relations with the customers. With the passage of time, the company has identified the importance of its global status. It has expanded by opening many offices, branches and acquisitions in different parts of the world. However, the company identifies its lacking procedures and slowed information collection and update due to which, it goes through transformations under the heading of Horizon 2000. The company requires a well established IT strategy in order to meet the competition in the market. This paper analyzes the issue in detail. Strategic Goals of MDCM MDCM does the business of medical devices contract manufacturing and is well reputed because of its expansion with the pa ssage of time. The company has well defined strategic goals and due to some problem with meeting the goals, the company has faced continuous losses. The strategic goals of the company are as follows (Jeffery & Norton 1-7): To facilitate the customers with their required devices within due time. To develop an online ordering and account management system that the customers will be able to use themselves. To provide an end-to-end package of medical device contract manufacturing services. To design and fabricate specialized equipment used in the assembly of manufacturing services. To form close partnership arrangements with its customers. To share rewards and risks of the business with its customers. To work with customers as close as it is possible. To reduce manufacturing costs to their lowest level. To maximize customer satisfaction by delivering quality parts and assemblies on time. To expand its business by opening new offices and manufacturing facilities close to its largest cust omers. To maintain that the acquisitions that the company makes, allow the company to spread its operational excellence while keeping the foreign companies autonomous enough to be able to better serve their local customers. Competitive Environment The firm MDCM faces a strict competition in the market because of more firms in the same business. With increasing concept of globalization, more people are active in market and provide globalized facilities to their customers due to which, all the firms face challenges to work towards success and expansion of their business on global basis. MDCM has designed a strategy to form good and close relation with its customers by involving them in their business as the company used to share its rewards and risks with its customers. However, with new businesses introduced in the market, this practice was copied and conducted by other businesses as well due to which, a competitive environment was created in the market (Jeffery & Norton 3). As a com petitive strategy, the company MDCM opened many offices at locations, which were near to their largest customers. Along with offices, the company also made a number of acquisitions. According to Jeffery & Norton (2006), â€Å"the acquisition targets were all non-US-based companies that had competencies in contract manufact
Friday, November 1, 2019
Pandora Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Pandora - Essay Example Specifically, the company achieves this through the provision of up-to-date music, drama, and related discussion such as a live performance on the company blog. The blog and the ‘Submit your Request’ platforms within the website allow users to create free online profiles to participate in discussions. The personalized station established the Music Genome Project allows the users to edit or refine the content to fit the personal change in music taste and preferences.The interactive feature on the website characterizes it as a social media platform. The social media is an online phenomenon that supports connectivity and interaction, as well as encouraging contributions and feedbacks on online topics from the members and users of the virtual community. The essential features of the social media include connectedness, participation, openness, and conversation. The supports these characteristics through the blog where users post and contribute to the a rticles on various topics.Another unique and primary feature of the social media is the user-created and maintained an online profile that facilitate digital dialog. Although does not have an intensive and user-enabled profile like Facebook, it has a platform that supports online contribution and commenting on the available topics. The internet community has a common interest in music and comedy categorizing the website as a specified social media that confines its engagement within the entertainment industry
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Coping With Nonmarital Breakups Chapter Outline Coursework
Coping With Nonmarital Breakups Chapter Outline - Coursework Example This means that studying nonmarital breakups is confirming whether there ever was a nonmarital relationship - a two sided one- in the first place! C. The value of accounts The person's oral or written narratives explaining their experiences or actions describing characters and events and inferring the meaning and motives in the course of retelling and reviewing the love stories. V. Personal-good reasons to study breakups Knowing about relationships can improve your specific experiences. For instance, breakups do have lessons and influence future expectations and plans to choose to act differently next time. VI. The breakup process This confirms the various steps and process that people undergo when relationships lead to breakups. A. Intimacy: A cost-benefit analysis Social creatures are faced with two risks, rejection and betrayal, when pursuing intimacy. Rejection can occur when the hope-for relationship never develops, cut short, or fails when the other expresses dissatisfaction. Betrayal is insidious, a threat that emerges only if intimacy succeeds-for a time. The other, having the advantage of special information, having gained our trust, turns around and turns on us, revealing our vulnerabilities, badmouthing us, teasing us. Why then do we willingly hand that very risky unknown our phone number Why do we have to take heart breaker one more time 1. The need to belong As social creature, we need each other, our presence, and the possibility of closeness. Relationships confer unique benefits on individuals. B. Phases and stages of breakup: Weiss's study of marital separation 1. Obsessive review This involves mental search for explanations, driven to some extents, "If only" and regrets. For the leaver and the leave, the end... Social creatures are faced with two risks, rejection and betrayal, when pursuing intimacy. Rejection can occur when the hope-for relationship never develops, cut short, or fails when the other expresses dissatisfaction. Betrayal is insidious, a threat that emerges only if intimacy succeeds-for a time. The other, having the advantage of special information, having gained our trust, turns around and turns on us, revealing our vulnerabilities, badmouthing us, teasing us. Why then do we willingly hand that very risky unknown our phone number Why do we have to take heart breaker one more time This involves mental search for explanations, driven to some extents, "If only" and regrets. For the leaver and the leave, the end of a relationship is traumatic and triggers a self protective review of reasons and signs which could prevent future losses. There are two types of loneliness, emotional loneliness and social loneliness. The emotional loneliness refers to the isolation, focused on missing one's intimate partner and losing the unique comforts of that relationship. Social loneliness is disorientation and excommunication one feels when one has lost one's place and marital status. Aft
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Operations Of Rolls Royce Motor Cars
Operations Of Rolls Royce Motor Cars The main purpose of this report was to apply information systems and operations to the Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited. This report defines the companys operation, offers an input-transformation-output diagram of the operations system. Then it discusses the supply network and the flows in terms of physical and informational. And it identifies the major categories of ICT, E-business and information systems used and the influences on the operations. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited is a system to gain resources from the environment to produce high-quality of motor cars to customers. For the sake of describing the primary, secondary, and tertiary divisions of the operation system, the systems method is applied to show every sub-system of the entire system. 1.0 Introduction In business world, the focus is on how people do business rather than on what people make, so companies pay more attention on operations where most organizations incur the majority of the costs. Nowadays, consumers require higher quality, quicker deliveries and lower costs, operations is adding cross-functional decision making and better deal with information system (Anupindi et al., 2005). In essence, operations management means the generation of consumer value via the efficiently and effectively managing the operation processes (Voss, Tsikriktsis Frohlich, 2002). With added internationalization and competition and in markets, operations management are reducing product and service life cycles, shifting emphasis on consumer concerns, competing for time (Hayes, 2002). As a British manufacturer of luxury automobiles on the base of the Good wood Plant, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited is the present producer of Rolls-Royce branded automobiles. Having been a motoring icon for more than 10 0 years, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited aims at continuing to set the pace into the next century. The main purpose of this report is to apply information systems and operations to the Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited. This report will adopt a narrow view of operations, define the companys operation. And offer an annotated input-transformation-output diagram of the operations system presenting the primary, secondary and tertiary inputs and outputs. Following this, it will discuss the supply network of which it is part, and describe the components that comprise this supply network and the flows in terms of physical and informational between the components. Finally, it will identify the major categories of ICT, E-business and information systems used and look at the influences on the operations and supply network in Rolls-Royce Ltd. 2.0 Operations system 2.1 Operations in Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited Operations management means the business function conscientious about planning, organizing, and controlling the resources required to generate an organizations services and products (Slack, Chambers Johnson, 2004). Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited is a system to gain resources from its environment including materials and staff, to produce high-quality of motor cars to customers all around the world. The operation system is highly standardized, low contact skills, high staff utilization, centralization and low unit costs. The operations function includes all actions associated with generating and delivering motor cars. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited is typical goods producing operations. The percent of the product that is good, namely, motor cars. All micro and macro and operations in Rolls-Royce Ltd are based on its customers and suppliers. The needed components of the whole system are to fulfill the companys mission. The company aims to produces goods with excellent durability and quality, with well function, style, and design. Rolls-Royce Ltd is emphasized on the relations of its suppliers and its consumers for the sake of operating effectively and offering high-quality to the motor cars. 2.2 A holistic view of Rolls-Royce Ltd system The diagram below describes the components through which the entire system of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited contains. The interior process through which the company participates separately could be seen in figure 1. The primary division is conscientious about generating and delivering raw materials for the company, where the secondary division applies the raw materials for the sake of manufacturing or improving the goods of the Rolls-Royce Ltd. With regard to the tertiary division, the services are offered through the organization for the sake of satisfying the requirements of its consumers such as distributing and retailing of the motor cars. For the sake of describing the primary, secondary, and tertiary divisions of the operation system, the systems method is applied to show every sub-system of the entire system. 2.3 Input-transformation-output diagram The input-transformation-output connects the environment to the management control system (Bertrand Fransoo, 2002). For the sake of designing good management control systems, it is necessary to comprehend where in the environment to look the appropriate inputs, the form of transformation perform, and what output to generate (Johnston, 2005). Comprehending the input-transformation-output process assists Rolls-Royce Ltd to determine the certain design parameters of management control system. In accordance with what is shown about every division, the input-transformation-output diagram is produced for the sake of describing the primary, secondary, and tertiary inputs and outputs (figure 2). The input-transformation-output diagram shows what kind of operations management Rolls-Royce Ltd proceeds for the sake of gaining its goals. The company gains inputs from its environment, transforms them into outputs, and delivers the outputs back into the environment. Rolls-Royce Ltd makes a limited product line of motor cars using input-transformation-output process. The company applies lots of manufacturing process having various categories of control systems than applying lean manufacturing ways. The process is visualized for the motor cars to be accomplished and is available to consumers. The input-transformation-output diagram describes what inputs are needed in the whole operation system for the sake of obtaining the prescriptive outputs. The outputs are motor cars, services, and even outcomes of product operations management. 2.3.1 The primary division The primary division of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited is the suppliers, as the organization does not generate the raw materials on its own. The company needs the raw materials from the manufacturers and suppliers to stick to several certain ways and standards for the sake of cooperate with them. The organization generates some measures to estimate the environmental influence of the cars, and assists its suppliers through comprehending the environmental influence of the goods they offer. Rolls-Royce Ltd applies reusing and reusable sources for the sake of generating more motor cars while older cars get the terminal of the lifecycle. The company proposes to the suppliers to recycle the wasteful materials to produce other goods, so as to prevent from the waste which is generated in the manufacturing process. The agents of Rolls-Royce Ltd are conscientious about buying materials, negotiating the prices to the suppliers, test the quality of goods offered and locating orders. The inputs i nclude sheet steel, engine parts, information on raw materials, manufacturing guidelines, procedures, and personnel polices. 2.3.2 Secondary division The secondary part is related to the manufacturing. At the transformation process phase, the materials from the suppliers are applied so as to produce the motor cars. The manufacturers are needed to apply strict standards for the sake of generating high quality cars. Rolls-Royce Ltd forms some relationships so as to obtain support to the actions. One of the companys objectives is to be friendly with the environment, and the company offers high quality cars as it is conscientious about the environment about and people. The transformation process needs equipment, tools, fabrication and assembly of cars, and employees follow instructions. 2.3.3 Tertiary division The tertiary division is responsible for satisfying the consumers requirements. Rolls-Royce Ltd has made available motor cars online to some countries. Rolls-Royce Ltd tries its best to reduce cost in the actions in the operations so as to reach the company goal. The company finds that it is difficult for the consumers to make decisions on empty stomach, so it has offered store restaurants. Although the company does the majority of the operations to the cars to get to the consumers, the consumers can choose, collect, and assembly the cars to reduce the total cost. As consumers choose and buy the motor cars on their own, the company has tried its best to strengthen the performance and aesthetic of the cars. The output in most of the company operations is a mixture of products and services, mainly in high-quality motor cars. 3.0 Supply network 3.1 Supply network of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited Form a wider viewpoint of the operations system, it means the design, operation and development of the interior and exterior systems and resources across the entire company and the supply network generating and delivering the companys services and goods and the value required through consumers (Waller, 2003). The supply network in the company consists of the common statement of businesses where a variety of materials are transformed and moved between different value-added points to maximize the value added for consumers. Because the components forming the supply network have been identified above, the supply network of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited emphasizes on the upstream and downstream of the supply network (figure 2). 3.1.1 Upstream of the supply network The upstream of the supply network in Rolls-Royce Ltd starts while a consumer subscribes online, by phone or in person. The consumers subscription goes to the closest distribution centre and the car of the subscription is collected and distributed immediately to the consumer. Through the comparison between the downstream and upstream, it is differentiated that the retailer that is portion of the supply network does not play any role from the categories of transactions. 3.1.2 Downstream of the supply network One of the agents obligations is to order forms, so while an agent orders a form to the suppliers they setout the materials needed in the company, and they are transported to the secondary division. From the distribution centers, the motor cars are transferred to the retailers in accordance with the place of the store in country, therefore the consumers are able to visit the nearest store to purchase goods. 3.2 Physical and informational flows Relationships and information flows include personal relations across the company and lots of firms in the supply network, relationships between companies such as structures and systems required, and the information flows in terms of informal and formal essential to the different relationships to appropriately function (Roth Menor, 2003). 3.2.1 Physical flows Physical flows move when the informational flows deal with controlling and management of the operation process in Rolls-Royce Ltd. The informational flows in the physical processing could be developed online. Via a determined delivery deadline, the time for physical flows is predetermined in the company. The application of information systems helps to develop planning of the physical flows and the informational flow is important for the company to keep competitive. 3.2.2 Informational flows Information flow (formal and informal) is transmission of information from one place to another in Rolls-Royce Ltd. The company tries its best to manage information flows to improve value chain performance. Figure 4 shows the information flows in supply network of Rolls-Royce Ltd. 4.0 ICT, E-business and information systems 4.1 ICT ICT plays an important role in processing of data into information, in the interaction between sub-systems of a system and between systems in Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited. Information communications technologies (ICT) includes E-mail, Web-based ordering, EDI of invoices and payment, and Web-based order tracking. In managing business processes of Rolls-Royce Ltd, ICT acts as sensor, feedback, comparator and actuator. ICT is in favor of determining forecasts to expect environmental disturbances and the trade-offs in buffers to accommodate environmental disturbances in the company. ICT is in favor of all facets of management such as decisions, functions, and levels. At every level, ICT processes data into information for business staff at the level, and ICT transmits the information as data for the following level up in the firm. The perception of boundary has results for the functions included in a specific information system. Having shown role of ICT in fundamental control loop functions, it is also in support of the goal setting process in Rolls-Royce Ltd. 4.2 E-business As a trend in operations and supply chain management, E-business develops pace, quality and cost of commerce communication. E-business covers all mediated information interchanges between a company and its exterior stakeholders (Chase, Jacobs Aquilano, 2006). Rolls-Royce Ltd uses operations information systems in day-to-day actions like transaction processing, process control, and communications. Rolls-Royce Ltd benefits a lot from the E-business. The customers of the Rolls-Royce Ltd can gain information about cars they needed by touching a button. The company can provide better availability of service to permit consumers to shop online, better timeliness of service to provide 24-hour service for purchasing products, and reduced cost in information processing. Through E-business, the operating costs of operations are less expensive, cheaper than brick-and-mortar, and initial cost of operations is cheaper. The company offers better access to consumer markets going everywhere in the world, and improves scheduling as the online capability permits the company more precise and seasonable in scheduling production activities. The firm is more easily study the quality of materials and components in the operation process. In addition, Rolls-Royce Ltd is better buying prices from suppliers, as the company obtains more pricing information and outcomes in lowering costs. Rolls-Royce Ltd enhances car development, as the capability online a ssists to decrease the time-to-market and the cost for new cars. 4.3 Information systems Information systems is applied to support the functional fields of business, is a group of relevant components working jointly to implement input, processing, output, and control activities for the sake of shifting data into information products applied to support operations (Rust Chase, 1999). The application of these systems is much cheaper compared with other systems. This system consists of process control systems, office automation systems, and transaction processing systems, which are major information system in the company. Management information systems are applied to offer feedback on the company actions and sustaining decision making. The system contains information reporting systems, executive information systems, and decision support systems in Rolls-Royce Ltd. Rolls-Royce Ltd can immensely enhance the performance through applying these information systems, and the information interchange between the firm and the suppliers is much faster. These information system influences the value chain in Rolls-Royce Ltd, such as identifying the methods IS may generate competitive advantage, creating a plan for taking advantage of IS, determining the role, and assessing the information intensity of the value chain. In addition, the company makes full use of interprise resource planning (ERP) systems with comprehensive functions for all main business operations across Rolls-Royce Ltd like production, finance, sales, and human resource management. Whats more, Rolls-Royce Ltd takes advantage of computer-based information system for the sake of generating management information, which is high-speed, reliable, accurate and programmable. 5.0 Conclusion In conclusion, Rolls-Royce Ltd can generate competitive advantage through information systems and operations. The input-transformation-output diagram is produced for the sake of describing the primary, secondary, and tertiary inputs and outputs. The supply network of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited emphasizes on the upstream and downstream of the supply network, and information flows in terms of informal and formal essential to the different relationships to appropriately function. ICT plays an important role in processing of data into information, in the interaction between sub-systems of a system and between systems in the company, and Rolls-Royce Ltd benefits a lot from the E-business and information systems. 6.0 Appendices Figure 1 Operations system in Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited Figure 2 Input-transformation-output diagram of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited Figure 3 Supply network Figure 4 Information flows in supply network
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