Tuesday, December 17, 2019
What Is The Self - 928 Words
What is the self? According to Gaynesford in his book, The Meaning of the First Person Term, the philosophy of self defines the essential qualities that make one person distinct from all others. There have been numerous approaches to defining these qualities. The self is the idea of a unified being which is the source of consciousness. Moreover, this self is the agent responsible for the thoughts and actions of an individual to which they are ascribed. I believe there are two separate identities that everyone possesses. There is no unchanging core of identity that makes us the same person from day to day; there is only an ever-shifting bundle of thoughts, feelings and memories. Every single day, thousands of people wake up in the morning get ready for work, eat breakfast, and head on their way to work. Although we have a multitude of things happen throughout our day, whether it’s an unexpected accident on the freeway or a flat tire, unanticipated events happen. When situations that we are not expecting arise, our emotions, feelings, and mood changes. Self Concept is an important term for both social psychology and humanism. Lewis (1990) suggests that development of a concept of self has two aspects: The Existential Self and The Categorical Self. The existential self is the most basic part of the self- scheme or self-concept; the sense of being separate and distinct from others and the awareness of the constancy of the self (Bee, 1992). SelfShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Self Or If There Even Is A Self?861 Words  | 4 PagesIn trying to define what is self or if there even is a self, Hume asserts personal identity is a mere illusion and instead the self is a classification of the process of our mutable parts. On the other hand, in Descartes’ dissertation he defines self as a â€Å"rational soul†(pg33) or an essence unique to humans, held constant in the container of the human body. 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