Thursday, December 26, 2019
Identify Brad’s Major Customers Essay - 1259 Words
identify Brad’s major customers †¢ prepare a customer service policy for Brad’s business †¢ prepare a standard for handling complaints †¢ prepare a work instruction for handling a complaint †¢ give an example of how you would change an element of the customer service system in response to the complaint about the quality of the meals †¢ outline how you would change the work culture in the kitchen †¢ outline how you would evaluate the customer service Brad’s Holiday Retreat gives in the future BSB40207 Certificate IV in Business _____________________________________________________________________________________________ HCICSS Coordinate Implementation of Customer Service Strategies Student Guide v2.0 August 2010 Page 5 †¢ design a†¦show more content†¦Brad’s Holiday Retreat is a family business that is managed by Rosemary, a qualified accountant, and her partner Brad, who is a trained real estate investor. They employ a full-time accountant, one full-time front office manager, one full time food and beverage manager, one full time chef, part-time front office staff, kitchen staff, waiters, cleaners and a contract gardener. Casual cleaners, waiters and kitchen hands are ‘on call’ to help cope when there are increased customer demands. Rosemary helps out in the office and looks after the telephones and administration when the receptionist has a break or goes to lunch. All customer service issues are handled by Rosemary and she certainly gives feedback to everyone in the business, including Brad, if there are customer service issues to be resolved. Customer base Brad’s Holiday Retreat customer base is currently 60% domestic tourist and 40% international. The domestic side of business is equally divided between travel agent booking and online/telephone bookings. The international business is almost exclusively online/telephone bookings. Although the return is better, these customers are the most demanding. About 60% of revenue comes from room costs; the remaining 40% comes from meals (10%), drinks (15%) and tour operations (15%). Customer satisfaction ‘Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed’ is on all of Brad’s advertising material and business cards, so Rosemary and Brad like to ensure thatShow MoreRelatedCustomer Service and Holiday Retreat Essay1242 Words  | 5 Pagesanalyse the data and material presented to make recommendations for changing the customer service processes and culture. Specifically, you are required to: †¢ identify Brad’s major customers †¢ prepare a customer service policy for Brad’s business †¢ prepare a standard for handling complaints †¢ prepare a work instruction for handling a complaint †¢ give an example of how you would change an element of the customer service system in response to the complaint about the quality of the meals †¢ outlineRead MoreCoke vs. Pepsi Essay4713 Words  | 19 Pagesplace to work where people are encouraged to be the best they can be. âž ¢ Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that expect and satisfy peoples desires and needs. âž ¢ Partners: Nourish a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value. âž ¢ Planet: Be a responsible and answerable citizen that makes a difference by helping to build and support sustainable communities. âž ¢ Profit: Increase long-term return to shareownersRead MoreAdvertising Term Paper with Case Study6753 Words  | 28 Pagesthat advertisers want to publicize. It is becoming a major part of mass media. At times we may view it positively, at other times we may just neglect or ignore it. In order to attract audiences, advertisers use various techniques on their advertisements to make people aware of the firms products, services or brands. Although the methods used by advertisers are infinitely, they have a common goal to persuade those who may become their customers to buy their products. 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It is the whole business seems from the point of view of its final results that is from the customer’s point of view Business success is not determined by the producer but by the customer.†According to me marketing means, push the product to the market amp; pull the customer towards theRead MorePepsico17225 Words  | 69 Pagesbeverages. The largest operations of PepsiCo are in North America (United States and Canada), Mexico, Russia and the United Kingdom. However, this paper analysis PepsiCo internally and externally using different matrices and approaches besides it identifies what PepsiCo follows in their business and finally this paper implements and evaluates the strategies that were formulated from SOWT,BCG,SPACE,SFE and IE and end with our analysis of PepsiCo strategy in competing globally. Phase One I. BackgroundRead MorePepsico17216 Words  | 69 Pagesbeverages. The largest operations of PepsiCo are in North America (United States and Canada), Mexico, Russia and the United Kingdom. However, this paper analysis PepsiCo internally and externally using different matrices and approaches besides it identifies what PepsiCo follows in their business and finally this paper implements and evaluates the strategies that were formulated from SOWT,BCG,SPACE,SFE and IE and end with our analysis of PepsiCo strategy in competing globally. Phase One IRead MorePepsico Case8696 Words  | 35 Pagesfour overall by Diversity Inc, and earning the Green Award by the Environmental Protection Agency. COMPANY AND MARKETING HISTORY The Pepsi recipe was developed by pharmacist Caleb Bradham in the 1890s. Originally marketed under the unassuming name â€Å"Brad’s Drink,†Bradham’s creation was renamed Pepsi-Cola in 1898 due to the pepsin and kola nut ingredients used. Awareness of Bradham’s new creation spread quickly, and in 1902 he decided to create the Pepsi-Cola Company so people everywhere could enjoy
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
What Is The Self - 928 Words
What is the self? According to Gaynesford in his book, The Meaning of the First Person Term, the philosophy of self defines the essential qualities that make one person distinct from all others. There have been numerous approaches to defining these qualities. The self is the idea of a unified being which is the source of consciousness. Moreover, this self is the agent responsible for the thoughts and actions of an individual to which they are ascribed. I believe there are two separate identities that everyone possesses. There is no unchanging core of identity that makes us the same person from day to day; there is only an ever-shifting bundle of thoughts, feelings and memories. Every single day, thousands of people wake up in the morning get ready for work, eat breakfast, and head on their way to work. Although we have a multitude of things happen throughout our day, whether it’s an unexpected accident on the freeway or a flat tire, unanticipated events happen. When situations that we are not expecting arise, our emotions, feelings, and mood changes. Self Concept is an important term for both social psychology and humanism. Lewis (1990) suggests that development of a concept of self has two aspects: The Existential Self and The Categorical Self. The existential self is the most basic part of the self- scheme or self-concept; the sense of being separate and distinct from others and the awareness of the constancy of the self (Bee, 1992). SelfShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Self Or If There Even Is A Self?861 Words  | 4 PagesIn trying to define what is self or if there even is a self, Hume asserts personal identity is a mere illusion and instead the self is a classification of the process of our mutable parts. On the other hand, in Descartes’ dissertation he defines self as a â€Å"rational soul†(pg33) or an essence unique to humans, held constant in the container of the human body. Hume’s and Descartes’ definition of self therefore is an all or nothing assumption; either the self is nonexistent dependent on the presenceRead MoreWhat Is Self Care? Essay821 Words  | 4 Pages What is Self-Care? Self-care is one of those words that therapists use, forgetting that the rest of the population has never heard of it. Basically, it is a noun referring to taking care of your own emotional well-being. Self-Care works on two levels. First, the obvious- it allows you to take care of yourself, to nurture yourself. Second, it subconsciously sends you the message that you deserve to be taken care of, which can help increase your self-esteem, self-worth, and happiness. Self-careRead MoreWhat Is Self Knowledge?1282 Words  | 6 PagesWhat Is Self Knowledge? How to Improve Your Life Through Honesty With Yourself By Adam V Talbot | Submitted On May 11, 2015 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Adam V Talbot Anyone who s seenRead MoreWhat Makes A Self?1655 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is a self? Is A considered a self? To answer whether A is human we must first define what a self is. Each individual experiences and reacts to life and situations differently, and collectively, we do not have anything within us that is black and white, so that would lead to the conclusion that self cannot be explicitly defined. However, at the same time, that complexity in itself is a definition; the fact that we exist as gray areas ultimately proves that we are a living contradiction. So aRead MoreWhat is Self-Reliance?795 Words  | 3 PagesSome may ask, what is self-reliance? Self- Reliance is defined as relying on one’s own capabilities, judgment, resources, or independence. In â€Å"Self-Reliance†, written by an American Transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson describes how we should live and prosper as a human being. In order to be self- realigned one must trust themselves, believe in the mselves, and create individualism. The search for self-reliance comes from loving something, mainly yourself. Emerson states throughout his essay inRead MoreWhat Is Self Esteem? Essay655 Words  | 3 PagesWhat is self-esteem? Self-esteem is a term used in psychology to describe someone’s level of confidence and respect for themselves. Pride, shame and dignity are some of the emotions self-esteem encompasses. 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Do you want to be a college graduate, married, mother/father, homeowner, cultured, musical? Your current state is called the actual self and the person that you want to be is called the ideal self. An ideal self-concept is how you would like a situation or outcome to be, for example completing a degree program or not being stuck in traffic. Actual self-concept is what your current situation or outcome is, for example being in school for a degree or being stuck in trafficRead MoreWhat Makes Your Self Concept?869 Words  | 4 Pageshelps create our self-concept. The reaction of others, your compariso n with others, the social roles you play, and the groups of people you identify with all contribute to the development of your self-concept. According to Bevan and Sole part of the way you construct your self-concept is by choosing to accept or reject what other people tell you about yourself. Your self-concept is influenced by the people you surround yourself with and by what they tell you, to keep a positive self-concept it is helpfulRead MoreWhat Is Self Grading In Data Mining1469 Words  | 6 PagesAccepting or Rejecting Students’ Self-grading in their Final Marks by using Data Mining First A. Author1, Second B. Author2, and Third C. Author3[Font: Times New Roman, Size:11] 1Member, Institute/Organization name[Font: Times New Roman, Size:11] 2Member, Institute/Organization name[Font: Times New Roman, Size:11] 3Member, Institute/Organization name[Font: Times New Roman, Size:11] Abstractâ€â€In this paper we propose a methodology based on data mining andself-evaluation in order to predict whether
Monday, December 9, 2019
Business Report On Balogne - Free Samples - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Questions: Discuss about theBusiness Report On Balogne. Answers: Introduction Balogne Pyt. Ltd. is a sugar product based company founded in 1965 in Mackay, Queensland by Louis Hape, a former cane sugar farmer. This company produces products such as Raw Sugar, White Sugar, Brown Sugar, Icing Sugar, Golden Syrup, Treacle etc. This company adopts a certain process to produce these products and distribute them to all over Australia. Recently because of Louis Hape retirement a new General Manager Ms. Erica Norris has joined Balonge. I as trainee business analyst presenting this document to help Ms. Erica to understand the Balonge better and improve its business process. Swim Lane Diagram Business process modelling is an important tool for managers and business owners of any organization. It is essential for smooth and focused functioning of a team to insure trackability and consistency. For a product base organization like Balogne Pyt. Ltd., processes are critically important from gathering raw material i.e. Sugar cane from farmers, process it step by step to get products and byproducts like Juice, Sugar Crystals, Brown Sugar, Syrup, Treacle etc. to deliver them in to all over Australia. Process modeling techniques like Swim Lane Modelling clearly describes step by step process of how Raw material is collected, processed and finally reached to its final destination. Use of Software tools - Software tools such as Microsoft Excel clearly shows data about sales and Profit-Loss. With the use of these kind of softwares managers and executives can easily see and make decisions on certain business related issues and problems. Here are the two graphs of sales Graph 1 Graph 2- We can see in graph 1 that percentage growth in earning of Golden Syrup is 81% and for the same period loss in Treacle is -5%. In swim lane chart we can see that Treacle is a further purified product of Golden Syrup. So, if we reduce the further purification of Golden Syrup, not only the production of Treacle will be reduced but also the production of Golden Syrup will be increased. By this way we can further increase the earnings from Golden Syrup and reduce loss from the extra production Treacle. We can easily see in the graph 2 that there is a growth in overall earnings of the company (it was $8,951,900 in 2014 and in 2015 it became $10,294,200). There is a growth of approximately 15%. Usability of Web 2.0 platform - Web 2.0 technologies have played a major role in the marketing of 21st century (Harrigan and Hulbert, 2011) and have made it possible for todays online consumer to have access to previously unknown sources of information in ways, scales and quantities never possible before (Constantin ides and Fountain, 2008). The notion of value co-creation has enabled the empowered, entrepreneurial, and liberated customers (Zwick et al., 2008) who take an active role in the value creation processes of business (Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2004). Web 2.0 technologies can be a powerful lure for Balogne Pyt. Ltd. Inside an organization they bring more employees into daily contact at almost nil price because of their interactivity. This may encourage members to participate more actively and share their idea in a more effective way in a certain project. Web conferencing or Video Conferencing services such as Webex and GoToMeeting can be great service for internal communications. By using these kind of services official meeting can be less expensive and more fruitful. One side company can save expenses on travelling and lodging also time of travel can be saved. By using applications such as Skype managers can see live status of the field units. Through Global Positioning Systems (GPS) it has become very easy to trace the live location of the transporting vehicle. For external communication social networking platforms such as Twitter and Facebook could be very useful. These platforms have opened a completely new direction of marketing and customer satisfaction for any business. Now a day the reputation of any company more or less depends on these social networking platforms. The more a company have fan following on these platforms, it will be beneficial for the growth of that company. Conclusion Through this document I will suggest that production of three products White Sugar, Sugar Cubes and Treacle should be reduced as they have loss of 31%, 27% and 5% respectively in the financial year 2014 to 2015, as shown in the graph. The reduction in the production of these materials will not only decrease the loss but also it will increase the production of high growth showing materials such as Raw Sugar, Brown Sugar and Golden Syrup. Also I suggest the introduction of Web 2.0 based applications such as Video Conferencing, GPS, Skype for internal communication to increase productivity and lowering the expenditures. For external communications I will suggest to use social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as they are the current tools of effective marketing and customer relationships. By using these applications/platforms we can not only increase our customer database but also inform them time to time about our new products and offers. Reference HARRIGAN, P. HULBERT, B. 2011. How can marketing academics serve marketing practice? The New Marketing DNA as a model for marketing education. Journal of Marketing Education,20,1-20. CONSTANTINIDES, E. FOUNTAIN, S. J. 2008. Web 2.0: Conceptual foundations and marketing issues. Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice,9,14. ZWICK, D., BONSU, S. K. DARMODY, A. 2008. Putting consumers to work. Journal of Consumer Culture, 8,163. PRAHALAD, C. K. RAMASWAMY, V. 2004. Co-creation experiences: The next practice in value creation. Journal of interactive marketing,18, 5-14
Monday, December 2, 2019
Public Policy Analysis
Unemployment in the US In the recent times, the issue of unemployment has taken a new dimension in the United States. This follows from the premise that the number of unemployed persons continue to rise. Since the 2007-2008 economic crisis, the state of the US economy has been undesirable.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Public Policy Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From that time, the US economy has failed to register meaningful growth or development. Although there were prospects that the economy would improve after the financial meltdown, the state has worsened. As Foroohar (2011) reckons, the Obama regime was on the verge of registering growth before discouraging data began emerging. Firstly, the increase in GDP was below the expected levels, as future forecasts did not show signs of improvement. Further, the housing industry revealed that prices were declining to levels that have never bee n experienced. In addition, levels of consumer spending were declining. When consumer spending falls, the manufacturing sector is negatively affected. Overall, unemployment rates are also likely to rise, as job creation continues to fall below the expected levels. Policy details After reflecting on the economic problems facing the United States, it is important to tackle the issue of unemployment in a bid to reign on its likely consequences. This is necessary since unemployment is becoming rampant among the youth in the United States. Towards addressing the concern, a policy option is proposed. The policy seeks to empower the youth before they graduate from colleges and schools. In this regard, the policy proposes the introduction of the subject of entrepreneurship in all disciplines of study. This should pave way for teaching the youth ways of creating jobs instead of looking for jobs after graduating. In order to make the policy successful, the State governments are required to se t aside funding kitties. Such kitties will be required to advance soft loans to fresh graduates.Advertising Looking for research paper on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The funding kitties are also expected to hire investment consultants who are charged with the responsibility of extending advisory services to the fresh graduates. The graduates will be advised to form small enterprises instead of seeking the mainstream employment opportunities. Applying the rational choice model The rational choice model of decision making presents a major framework that aids in the understanding of the decision making process (Dye, 2010). In its simplest form, the rationality model hinges on the notion that a rational being would prefer the option that yields the most preferable returns (Allingham, 2002). Bicchieri, (2003) observes that since the rational choice model promotes the gathering of all the necessary informa tion, the policymakers are under an obligation to solicit for all relevant ideas. Such pursuit of information holds an important place in policy-making as it guarantees that the policy being made is valuable in addressing the needs of the people. As illustrated in the paper, the problems facing the United States are diverse. In addition, the possible solutions to the problems are equally diverse. As such, it is necessary to collect information on the problem, list all possible solutions, weigh the various approaches and make a decision based on the assessment of these attributes. In this regard, policy makers are empowered to take measures that are most effective at the lowest possible price. Apart from the alarming rate of overall unemployment in the United States, the youth unemployment trends are worrying. It is observed by Foroohar, (2011) that a group of workers faces a danger of permanent relegation from the job market. The worst aspect lies on the probable consequences of the se unemployment statistics on the American community. Youth unemployment rests at twenty-four percent. Worse still, this group is not likely to secure jobs in the near future.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Public Policy Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Even if it did, it would earn twenty percent less than the amount the preceding groups earned. Applying the model in this case, policy makers are able to assess the consequences of the issue and take appropriate action. The model proposed would prove useful in both the decision-making and in the implementation process. In the decision-making process, the policy would be useful in deciding the options to take given a list of alternatives. Similarly, in the implementation process, the policy implementers would be able to decide which implementation approaches to use given a pool to select from. As such, the policy model is significant both to the decision-making and the implementation processes. Evaluation Based on the rational choice model, people engage in activities after comparing competing alternatives. If there are competing alternatives, then the need for perfect information is mandatory. This is important as it allows the decision-makers ample time to make informed decisions. However, in practice, it is often impossible to access all the necessary information regarding any case. Further, it is almost impossible to have complete understanding of an issue. This view is held in reference to the idea that human knowledge is often limited. Consequently, the rational choice model is premised on a number of assumptions which are not easy to meet. The theory also holds that the decision makers are able to compare the costs and the benefits associated with the decisions taken. Reference List Allingham, M. (2002). Choice Theory: A Very Short Introduction. London: Oxford.Advertising Looking for research paper on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Bicchieri, C. (2003). â€Å"Rationality and Game Theory†, in The Handbook of Rationality. London: Oxford University Press. Dye, T.R. (2010). Understanding public policy (13th ed.). Longman: Pearsonn Prentice Hall. Foroohar, R. (2011, June 08). What U.S. Economic Recovery? Five Destructive Myths. Time Inc. Web. This research paper on Public Policy Analysis was written and submitted by user Wolver-dok to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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